OK guys, I gave up. Thought I could try to be a model train shop owner and contribute to the forum a little. But as mentioned in a previous post, I didn’t want to in any way make it look like I was trying to promote my business on here. So I tried the approach to remain anonymous, and that’s just too hard to do. The store is me and I am the store, no matter how hard I might try to keep it separate at times.
So I’m coming clean with my real name and stuff but I am still not going to do anything on this forum to help my store, no website links, no e-mail addresses, nothing to sell on here.
As for the Grandson Of Sam name, I think that scared a few folks, so I dropped it. Had good intentions with it, but even I got scared when I saw my first post saying it had 6 replies and 66 views at the same time, so my real name is Mark.
Good to get to know you guys, and I’ll do my best to remain within the rules of this forum, and if I don’t you can bust me out on it. Have a good weekend!
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a known hobby shop owner on this forum (or a manufacturer, etc). Sure it gives you a bias, but we all bring a bias (or three) to the forum. Your’s adds another perspective to the discussion for those of us on the consumer end. It’s amazing how often we overlook or don’t understand the economics of this hobby. Plus, diversity is one of the strengths of this forum. So I echo Darth: Good to see you’re not leaving.
Normal ratio of views:replies is 10:1 so don’t get alarmed by the views. Probably works along the lines of people who walk by your shop and look in and those who actually walk in.
I have absolutely no objection to your using the forum (appropriately of course) to blowing your horn about your hobby shop. I would have objections - as I’m sure the moderater(s) would - if you came up once a week and said "MY AUGUST SPECIALS ARE: " followed by a lengthy list of on-sale items. I don’t think you propose to do that. But several times a month somebody posts a topic related to hobby shops - i.e. favorite, good ones in Annapolis, Maryland, where should I go while vacationing in New Mexico, etc, etc, etc. - and this is the time for you to say something like, “My favorite hobby shop is ABC Trains in West Sneaky Falls, South Pennsyltucky. It’s my favorite hobby shop because I unlock the back door Monday thru Saturday at 8:00 A.M. sharp”. Look there, Grandson of Sam; if I’m ever in the vicinity of West Sneaky Falls, South Pennsyltucky I’ll drop in if to do nothing else than to wave and say “Howdy” - we do that here in the far, far reaches of the wild, wild west - it’s considered neighborly!!
Now, I am an aspiring manufacturer of brass N-Scale flute-sided passenger cars using a foundry process called press forging. There is not an exorbitant amount of capital involved but right at this particular moment it is just beyond my reach - I am trying to stretch my arms and fingers so I can lay my hands on the necessary equipment to get started. If - and its really when - I get going with this venture you can bet your left you-know-what that I’m gonna set myself up a website and I’m going to toot my horn every opportunity I get!!! You betchem, Little Beaver!!! (And if you recognize that phrase you either are already on or are rapidly approaching Social Security age!!!)
I am a modeler, custom builder and manufacturer. I enjoy sharing some of my opinions and experience that I’ve gathered over the 40 some years in the hobby.
From the way I understand the rules, as long as one is not obviously self-promoting a sale or products (or one’s own store [:D]), one can say whatever in the realm of good manners.
I don’t believe there’s anything wrong (according to the rules) with putting a link to your website or listing your email in your profile. Just keep it out of the forum itself. That way, if someone should so choose they can make contact privately.
I have on occaision been asked in a post, how much it would cost to build such and such and I just ask them to send me an email.
All in all I think it helps to know a little bit about the poster’s background. It helps to form an opinion about their opinion.
One thing that seemed quite noticeable before is that as the good guy you are, you kept emphasizing that you were trying not to promote your business. As a result that actually drew more attention.
So don’t worry! Best thing is just to “be cool and relax”. If you’ve noticed Joe Fugate’s Siskyou series of model railroading videos are referred to here regularly. Yet, no one is complaining. Joe is a forum member and always strives to contribute to this forum and hobby. Many of us here appreciate it.
Agreed, AntonioFP45, agreed. I fouled that up already. Same way with putting the name of the store for my “name” - seemed logical at first, now it just seems like a bad idea. But Kalmbach will kill me if I change it again.[D)]
As Antonio said, just relax. If somebody thinks you’ve stepped out of bounds, don’t worry, you can bet that someone will point it out to you![:D]. So, just jump in and get your feet wet and enjoy the forum!
Just for the record, the old name didn’t bother me much. Was your grandfather named “Sam,” by any chance? My Dad’s father actually sailed on commercial sailing ships (not steamships), so I’m the son of a son of a sailor.
Still, One Track Mind is really a clever screen name, and I think that one’s even better. And it’s always good to have more intelligent, articulate train guys like yourself on board.
Yep my grandfather was named Sam. So that made me the Grandson Of Sam…didn’t mean to get cute with what happened in NYC back in '77. Just thought it fit. He also ran a small business. No one else in the family has except him and me. He was a Cubs fan too. And his shop was along the PRR. My dad got to watch the last of the steam trains roll by while they worked on the dock. MisterBeasley, If you are the son of a son of a sailor, are you also a Jimmy Buffet fan? Well another day here is done. A little excitement around here as the neighborhood kids apparently burned down a house across the tracks with fireworks this afternoon. Could’ve got some great fire apparatus shots for that HO fire scene.
I for one am happy that you are with us Mark, I am one of your regular customers (Ron) and may bear the onus for organizing the great #844 hunt at your store with others on these forums. I remember you had alot of people calling your store asking about that railcrossing on that day. Ive seen others from the area such as Jim work the threads on that particular event.
Dont worry about promoting, your store as well as the others in Arkansas are good stores and I am more than happy to toot a horn here and there because the service I have recieved along with your patience answering questions is outstanding.
As you know I grew up on the east coast and alot of the old stores are gone now. A few remain and anytime a LHS survives in this age of internet and mail order it is a wonderful thing.
I wonder which street the kids lit the house on fire? I too fired a few dollars worth and had one of the wood bases I was using get scorched badly on one corner from a teeny tiny little screamer that refused to fly like it should.
I look forward to learning more from your point of view as a owner of a LHS.
Dont worry about the views. The more an article is read I guess it is all good. Ive learned that sometimes a post would be made and it might be a few days before someone finally answers.
[#welcome] Back. I know a couple store Owners around here, One is a memeber of the Local MR club, And the N scale group is trying to get the other to help sponsor us, although I don’t know any details about it.
With the off chance of stepping out of line here, I fail to see the problem you have by being a hobby shop owner and being on this forum. We are here because we love trains and the hobby of modeling them. If you have replies to help someone with or questions or comments, just jump in with both feet and quit worrying whether you’ll be liked or if your doing something wrong here. Model railroads is the thing here, not your chosen profession. Ken