Grant awarded for new rail bridge in Pennsylvania

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Grant awarded for new rail bridge in Pennsylvania

What happened to loans? They had to be paid back. Grants are money stolen from the taxpayers and given to those who supposedly have a need. This is Marxism at its finest, with a fancy name to cover up reality in front of those wearing purple rain colored glasses.

To add insult to stupidity, or possibly the other way around, this same government is looking for new and improved ways to stop fracking, courtesy of the junk science based environ-mentalists. Anybody else see a conflict of interest here? One part of big Marxist government doesn’t know what the other part is doing.

OK, I get it. Loans are bad because private capitalists do loans. Grants are good because big Marxist government is in the business of picking winners and losers.

Who’s to say that any of that oil business is going to end up on the railroad? Sorry. My fault again. Marxist government will stop any pipeline from being built by those evil capitalists. Just don’t be too surprised if freight railroads become nationalized in bits and pieces when most people aren’t looking.

I don’t see the railroads becoming nationalized. What I do see is railroads (read big business) to continue paying off politicians in return for free money that is taken from the people.

Once again we hear from Jeffery Guse the only person on the face on this earth who has ALL the answers and knows the BEST way to run any government. And once more I have to remind you that Pennsylvania can get along just fine without your input.Say, when are you going to run for politcal office?

Since Mr. Guse is so wise about all things governmental, perhaps he ought to move to Russia and share his never ending font of knowledge with the ex-communist neo-thugs that now operate the country and quit pontificating on this site about things which he knows little or nothing.

Think environmentalists are nuts - go live downwind from a refinery for a while or downstream from a city with a superannuated sewer system can’t handle storm flooding and sends sewage downstream following every very heavy rainstorm.

Since Mr. Guse is so wise about all things governmental, perhaps he ought to move to Russia and share his never ending font of knowledge with the ex-communist neo-thugs that now operate the country and quit pontificating on this site about things which he knows little or nothing.

Think environmentalists are nuts - go live downwind from a refinery for a while or downstream from a city with a superannuated sewer system can’t handle storm flooding and sends sewage downstream following every very heavy rainstorm.

Mr Guze’s points might be taken more seriously if he would give up his childish need to make up names to call those who disgree with him.

This railroad is government owned, not private.

While we can disagree about the wisdom of public ownership of rails usable under contract as opposed to public roads, usable by all, the responsibility to repair those lines lies with government.

It DOES bother me that profitable private lines like CSX and NS think that the taxpayer is somehow responsible for improving THEIR railroads at our expense.

Oh, yes, it would be nice if we could limit the “Comments” section to relevant references (even tangentially so) to the topic at hand. Besides keeping this TRAINS newsletter about, well, trains, it would save the wasted time and effort pointing out the fallacies, inaccuracies and illogic of these delusional rantings.

Maybe is Jeff Guse runs for political office he will siphon away enough votes from those, we the pople, don’t want elected, so the proper people can get elected to office.

The counties bought these railroads to save them from abondonment ( ConRail didn’t want the track and would have happily torn it up ) and are now involved in improving the physical plant to foster increased rail service which will increase jobs, what’s wrong with that?

As a reader of Trains magazine, I like trains, I like to read about them and I like to watch them. Lycoming has it’s engines painted in Reading inspired Green and Yellow. Reading has been gone for 37 years but I can drive a couple of hours and watch Reading trains. The other SEDA-COG railroads are equally historic and colorful, I think this is great thing in a sea of NS black. ( Kudos to NS for the Heritage locos by the way! )

Since Trains is THE magazine of railroading shouldn’t the readers applaud railroad improvements?

As far as Mr Guse, why does Trains even permit his OFF-TOPIC and IRRELEVANT rants? This is supposed to be a forum for RAILROAD enthusiasts not a soapbox for political rants.

Mr Guse, do you even like trains? Or are you here simply to stir up trouble and gain attention? Do us all a favor and go out and watch some trains and leave the political nonsense to the politicians.