Graphics Accelerator Rqmt

I run W98 on an IBM laptop, ThinkPad 600X. Supposedly this machine has sophisticated graphics , but when I try to load “Train Simulator”, I get a message that a Graphics Accelerator is required.

Is this additional hardware? Can I get an accelerator on a PCMCIA card? Is it software, either Windows or associated with my machine? Can I upgrade to it by downloading a fix, or buying the program?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, TicketAgent

On a laptop a “Graphics accelerator” is built into the motherboard. A GF2 “go” chip is one example. It sounds like your laptop has a graphics chip that does not have dedicated memory, so it shares system ram. Or your PC uses an accelerator that does not meet the requirements of the game. It is always a good idea to check the box of the game for requirements

I will add that a driver update could fix the problem, but highly unlikely. No, you can not buy a graphics card on a PCMIA card, as the data transmission would be WAY to slow. Sorry. :frowning: