OK for you train hobbyist out there,I’m new to the hobby and trying to put together a layout and purchase trains,So far I have received great help from you kind people,most going out of their way to help me.Heres my question.I just purchased a MTH ABA set,It’s new in the box,it’s a NEW HAVEN,NUMBER 20-2238-1,I paid a total of $325.00 which includes shipping.Now did I get a good deal or was I takened.I’m not to smart when it comes to prices on Trains.I’m going to sit back and listen to you I believe you railroaders would know.
Thanks In Advance

That engine set has Proto 2.0 and listed for 599.95 in 2000. I’de say you did OK! The battery might be dead when you get it so don’t panic if it won’t go out of neutral until it is charged.


Hi Neil
Thanks for the information. Do you think a battery that old will take a charge or should I replace he battery

The battery isn’t a problem with with Proto-2 as I understand it. A dead battery won’t damage the engine from what I have heard.

A dead battery will however mean that when you put it on the track nothing will happen. If this does (or in this case does not happen) then leave the train powered on the track at high voltage for about an hour. That usually gets older PS2 engines running.

Jim H

Sounds like a good deal to me. I have found that there is a lot of good used and never used equipment out there. Just be careful who you buy from.


If you are unsure of pricing on MTH product, suggest you visit their website and click products then product locator, enter product number, click on product number shown next to dealer availability. This will in most cases give you the info you desire. The Lionel site operates essentially the same way but is not nearly as reliable as to accessing product info. IMHO, you made a good buy.