Great Model Railroads 2009

Has anyone seen the GMR 2009? I think the staff did a great job again!

Thank you from one of the contributors. Hoped you liked my “Piedmont Southern” railroad.

Dale Latham

Piedmont Southern Railroad

Hi Dale,

Yes I do Like your Piedmont Southern. I especially like the way you have weathered your buildings. I am about to do more buildings, I hope I can do as well as you have! My Layout is the WP cover story.

Best Regards,

Jim Pendley

Jim, if that is you then I’d like to say that I really liked your layout and thought that your layout was excellent! One of the best WP layouts of the Keddie Wye since seeing Steve Cavanaugh’s WP layout in MR’s January '04 issue celebrating 60 years. Please, you must post some more photos of your layout. My favorite was your mixed engine train that made up BN. Tell me, were those F45’s Athearn BB or Overland brass units?

I glanced through it in the store the other day. Nice issue, but I opted to buy the Trains Locomotives 2008 special issue. They did a great job with that issue. Gives you a bunch of prototype ideas.

Jim, I thought the story about the WP was top drawer also. I prefer more switching of towns along the right of way personally, but the area you are modeling doesn’t lend itself to that type of railroad. I think you did a great job of modeling a remote area.

I do have a question. The track plan indicates the track going into staging, I assume it is located under the yard area. But what happens to the trains coming out of staging, running the main line through the layout and ending over at Oroville area. I didn’t see any staging out of that area. Do all trains have to reverse their run back to staging? Or doe trains continue to East Keddie from Oroville then take the secondary line out of West Keddie and return to staging? Or am I just missing something?


I think the 2009 edition is the best GMR ever. Good selection of railroads and excellent presentation. Jamie

This is one of the best, But then again i’ve liked them all.

Still haven’t gotten mine in eastern Kansas. Saw it at the local walmart though.


The GN F 45 is an Overland Brass, so is the WP 3532, the WP 2009, the BN 2223, the exSP&S 4367, the UP 2414 along with the UP 6910. The track plan is two large continuous loops, one being the highline through the inside of Keddie Yard and the other being out side of Keddie through the Canyon and Oroville, through the tunnels 30. 31, and 32 and over the Keddie Wye back to Keddie. The highline can go to Bieber CA also known as staging under Oroville yard. I hope this answers all of your questions. I will post some pictures after I learn how.

Jim Pendley

Looking forward to seeing some more photos! 2009 was an outstanding read.

I thought this issue was outstanding. Jim, my son is fascinated by your bridges (so am I!), they are incredible. And Dale, I appreciated your how to not build a layout information! All of the layouts give me something to strive for, even if I think it’s impossible for me to come close too.

Keith Baker

Here is a photo in the Feather River canyon part of the layout. Tunnel #11

WP on Clear Creek Bridge

WPonClearCreekBridgeMedium.jpg WP on Clear Creek Bridge picture by WP3557

Sweeeeeeeet! Your pics here in the forum give a little more perspective on the height of your mountain scenes. Thanks for posting! Jamie

You know diesels are ok… but steam makes this bridge, may I show one I did?

That would be OK with me

Great layout, Dale.

I was looking at the track plan and I saw wahat looks like a car float at the lower left. (The illustration of the layout is on page 25 for those who want to see it in GMR 2009.) I am sorry that they didn’t print any pictures of it as I am interested in learning more about what you are doing with this as I intend to have car float operations on my in progress layout. Mine will be in N-Scale.

I hope you don’t mind me asking you some questions as I really am curious. I’ve got a number of print and online sources but what they don’t give me is an actual plan for the car float and the apron it attaches to.

Did you custom make your car float? Is it removable? How did you attach the tracks?


Here is another Keddie wye shot