Great site, could use some help

Hello everyone I found this in a box in the basement along with another flyer.this one I cannot identify and am hoping someone may be able to help.

Special thanks to spankybird for the excellent post for host picture sites!

Best Regards


It’s a pre war flyer, 0-4-4-0.

thatldue - Bill,

[#welcome] to the forum. Chuck is right, you have a prewar American Flyer engine. It is one of Flyer’s inexpensive uncataloged streamlined passenger sets. It is known as the New York Central type and had several names: Minnehaha, or Steam Streamline set, which is what one of the decals on the side of your engine says. It came in both electric and wind up versions. They usually differ in color with the electric set being orange and the wind up version being a more red color. I believe that they were only produced in 1935 and 1936 The powered unit is actually an engine and tender combination (numbered 561) with the tender resting on a number X sheet metal truck. The set with two coaches is No. 960-T. There was also a set with three coaches known as set 964-T The powered unit was also used with freight cars.

You have a nice set. It should be possibe to replace the damaged coach if you want to. Individual coaches in various conditions show up on eBay quite frequently. Have you put power to it to see if it runs?

Northwoods Flyer

[#welcome] **thatldue…**if replacement is not your cup of tea, someone is likely to pop up in this thread and have you weilding a torch, sheet metal, and a dremmel tool to cut out the bad section and restore the piece, even though Northwoods suggestion would be my choice.
