Great Steam video...

If this doesn’t make you a steam fan, nothing will.

Enjoy, Tom

Now that is outstanding! I feel like I need to go smoke a cigarette… [:P]

You can’t fully appreciate the massive beauty of a Berkshire until you’ve see one up close. Gorgeous machines in a very nicely done video.


I agree. Great video and thanks for posting it. Very interesting.

Any idea why they where pulling freight? Are they burring oil now, I think it is against the law to burn coal now.

Great Clip

Cuda Ken

That was a tremendous video ! Thanks for posting. One of the best steam videos I have seen.


Yeah - very cool!

Thats was awesome! I loved it.

Judging from the old frieght cars tacked on just behind the locomotives and the old caboose bring up the rear, I would guess it was strickly a photo shoot, and not an acctual frieght train. I’m guessing it was shot during that big train show in Oswo Michigan last summer.

Alot of preseved steam engines still burn coal including those two Berks. It’s definitely not illegal.


Magnificent! Everything was perfect. The sky, the old pick-ups. It just doesn’t get any better.


Agreed [(-D]

Great video!!


You’re right about this being shot around the time of Trainfestival last summer. 765 came up to the Steam RR Institute in Owosso, MI where 1225 lives, a bit before the festival and then stayed for a while. They ran special photo runs including the night runs. The SRI owns several vintage freight cars and at least one former Ann Arbor caboose, and there have been special photo freight runs in the past. What I wonder is where that string of hopper cars came from - based on some of the shots it made for a fairly long train.

Great video. I love the night shot by the grain elevator with the Model T, the trainmen and hobos around the fire. These big locos are a real treasure.

George V.

This video confirmed why steam operation is so impressive. Watching it made my day!

Thank you for posting the link!


The video was excellent, carefully staged and photogrephed. The vintage vehicles and tractors were a good touch to set the scene; nothing contemporary in the pictures. One interesting clip was in the middle where they opened the firebox doors and showed the automatic stoker working.

Ken, coal is still allowed. Some time ago when I visited the Mt Washington Cog Railroad in New Hamshire, there was some discussion about this. They were careful to point out that they were using low sulfur coal, and had a waiver from the NH DEP to run their old locomotives on coal.

Makes you want to cry


I have seen working diesel engines, steam engines on tourist lines, and both in museums but I am always amazed at just how big these engines really are. I cross over a yard via a bridge a few times per week and as I look down on the tops of the engines and cars their size is not as impressive as when I am standing next to them. The steam engines more over are graceful in their movements and are a sight to see.This video was well done and worth watching more than once.


I, too, enjoyed the video very much. Thanks for posting it, Tom. [:)][tup]

I think they should have entitled the video, “Double The Heading, Double The Fun” and had Wrigley’s as it’s sponsor.


Or “All aboard the chew-chew train.” [:-^]

Sorry. [:I]

I saw that video a few days ago on a friend’s blog. Not only a once-in-a-lifetime event, but beautifully shot and edited to boot. I definitely added it to my favorites.

Just had to thank you for that awesome video. My four year old grandaughter loves watching it with me.

What do you mean, “Makes you want to cry”.

It took me back to when I was a kid in the mid '40’s in England. There was a cut behind my aunt’s house on Byron St. in Runcorn, Cheshire where I think a main line from Liverpool ran uphill. As a little gaffer, I couldn’t see the trains, but I sure could smell that coal smoke and hear them fighting up that grade. After we came to Canada in the late '40’s, I really enjoyed watching those big steam loco’s switching the Wrigley Gum factory right across from our house on Boston Ave. where we lived in the Queen St. E. & Carlaw Ave. Area of Toronto. Nothing ever tasted so good as the packs of gum that the workers would toss down to us kids on a daily basis.

Some things you just never forget. Nor do you ever want to.

Thanks for posting the link and thanks to the photographer for making the film.

Honey, bring me another box of Kleenex, please. Sniff, sniff.

Blue Flamer.

I am a steam fan; I just am not interested in modeling the steam era, that’s all! As impressive as it–steam–is to me power railroading is 13,500 horses muscleing 120 cars along at 60 MPH.

What a great video. My 7 year old is hooked on it. We have nothing like that around here, so being able to see it on the computer is a real treat!