It was a good show with a fair size crowd
The Gavelston County N Guage layout is the best animated modular layout I’ve ever seen
and a real crowd pleaser Notice the overhead lighting
Can you see the Hot Air Balloon it’s hanging from a thread that travels the whole length of
the layout using a pulleys at either end
Staging is controlled by power routed turn outs activated by photo cells
notice the radio throttle the operator is holding
Each stanchion has a door bell buttom in the top and when you push it it activates
the animation In this photo the bear tries to upset the out house They use a tortis switch machine for this
Look closely in the center of the clouds at the red dot No it’s not a bird or a plane Yep it’s Superman
hanging from the same wire and flying down the layout
If you push the button here you get a 30 second thunderstorm The lighting flashes come from 6 fiber optic cables that are routed up the tree trunks and the white flashes are bounced off the backdrop the sound tape plays thunder
Here the camp fire is lighted with a single fiber optic cable using a flashing red LED
the end of which is covered with crinkeled celophane paper
The crane in this photo rotates
The kite flys and the little white dot between the guy on the grass and the kite is a control line plane
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