ground throws

Hi all
If I am using tortoise switch machines. Can I also use caboose ground throws?
This is in H.O.

Thanks Gene

I don’t know how you could do this directly, since you’d be moving the turnout against the switch machine. I’d be inclined to put a dummy groud throw next to the switch and use a local toggle switch on the fascia to control the Tortoise locally (see “One turnout, two controls” in the July 2002 Model Railroader).

You could also use a ground throw to move a toggle or microswitch under the benchwork to control the Tortoise, instead of connecting the throw directly to the turnout. That’d be easy enough to do, and kind of neat.

Caboose Industries has a ground throw that incorporates a slide switch. The slide switch is intended to control frog polarity.

You could wire the slide switch to control the switch motor.

I hope this is helpful

Another possibility is to use the Tortise to animate a prototyipically scale ground throw (as opposed to those HUGE lumps of plastic by Caboose) at the same time it throws the turnout(s).


Thats what I had in mind.
Any ideas on how I can do this?


Hi Gene;

First you have to choose the style you want to use: the kind that are just a lever like the Caboose, or the one with the rotating indicator as well.

I beleive that the there are some manufactured, check Walthers.

Next, a simple mechanical linkage to throw them. One way for the Caboose style, extend the lever a bit past the pivot, and attach a wire under the pivot that loops under the layout, and is moved back and forth by the machine. This should be a very thin wire, and is a tension (pull) only, so it rigidity is not important (it is hard to push a string) The indicator can be driven by a simple rack and pinion attached to the same place as the wire. For the wire, something like 30 guage stranded, with no insulation.

Why not use switchstands with targets?