Grzyboski Wins Trains

Grzyboski Wins Trains at bankruptcy auction again TRAINZ. See the article in the Pittsburgh TRIBUNE-REVIEW.


Now I really can’t wait till YORK.




(hope I can get cleared of train restriction by then)

A decent article - still makes collectors look like lunatics. [8]

The question is “will they be able to do a full inventory/audit of whats there and prepare a pricing structure prior to the York meet ?” I would imagine a lot of the figures were already pallparked but now it is “nitty-gritty time”.

Anybody up for hijacking a truck?

How about all 3 trucks ? !! [(-D] Now we have to check their web-site every day !! [(-D]

Thanks, John


I hope you guys are right for your sake but I doubt if many will make it to octobers show I bet spring show big time as it will take a long time to go thru them all.

Hey, ya know, for a fee…I know people in the city…[:-^][swg]

They sing Soprano…if ya get my drift…

Gryzboski sells on ebay under the name j.tripp3 (7158).
I have bought from him before. I watch his items that he has. IMO he makes a pretty good profit.
I also preorder a lot from Trainz they are the best !

My guess is that some of those items will end up on ebay under the j.tripp3 id !

I agree with you Doug after reading the article. It’s funny how so many train guys talk about the fascination beginning when they were kids and how magical Lionel trains were to them. And now many of the very same adults are so intolerant and critical over “toy” trains being made. There were several commetns made on another forum along the lines that they hope Polar Express doesn’t prevent or stall more high end trains being made.

My favorite quote from the article is this one:

“I just paid a woman $900 for trains, and now I got a lady standing here, and I’m going to pay another $575,” Tyler added. “And I need them like a need a hole in my head.”

I’ve always said if someone gave me $1,000 today to go buy a train engine, I could give $950 to the assistance fund at my church and still find, with a little effort, a train engine I’d be more than happy with the remaining $50.

The other interesting point is all quotes in the article are from guys well advanced in their years. So many articles in the mainstream press seem to focus on the weathly, well-to-do aging aspect of the current hobbiest, and how they enjoyed so much the trains of their youth. Which always brings me to the point I raise constantly “how about affordable trains for the kids of TODAY?”

Still I’m certain Grzyboski has little doubt they won’t sell the haul and for overall more money than he paid for it.

brianel027 - If someone “gave me $1,000 today to go buy a train engine,” I certainly would do my best not to disappoint them…[8D]

If someone gave me $1,000 to buy an engine… I think I could find 3 that I would be VERY happy with! [:D]

Some folks have more money than common sense.

I would have to believe in this scenario that it’s more of love for money than the trains themselves.

Just my .02!

About 15 years ago a collector here, a Dr, passed away & after a few years his wife sold the collection to Charles Ro. It completely filled one huge U-haul truck. He used to buy 3 of everything Lionel made from the 40s I believe, on up through the years. That truck load was estimated at about a million dollars ! He had a building built just for the trains, & also was a gun collector. I’d say those 3 truckloads may be worth a lot more than Grzyboski’s paid for them !!

Thanks, John