GTE - Model Train Exhibition - Puyallup 2013 => Who wants to join?

Hi Model Railroaders in the North-West!

Last year I had a great time attending the GTE in Puyallup with my TT-Scale layout!

Time is flying again this year and it is probably time to think about this years GTE.
This year it will be a little earlier on the weekend of November 11/16-17/2013.

You can find more information about the GTE here: The Great Train Expo

As it might be my last year here in the US, I would really like to display again! But last years exhibition did show that it is pretty tough to do it as a one men show.
So I would like to reach out to you to see if some of you guys would be crazy enough to join me at this exhibition!?

Maybe you live in the North-West close to Seattle and we could meet in advance, or you just join me at the show and support running the layout! I’m pretty much open to any help I can get.

You can find more about my layout and the GTE from last year by following the link: 2012 GTE in Puyallup

Looking forward to have a great time with some of you guys!



I live in south west washington, I’m sure I could help. I’m trying to get an exhibition layout up and running. I might also be up there to meet a fellow N FB page member.

Hey, this would be great!

I will send you a message with my email, so that we can stay in touch!

Friday is usually the setup day, where I need some helping hands, Saturday is show day 1 and Sunday is show day 2 as well as getting everything packed up again.

So I still could use a couple of helping hands… :slight_smile: