Guiness Book of Records/World's Longest Chocolate Train

Came across this website and thought train enthusiasts as well as chocoholics would enjoy this youtube video.


[Y] [wow] [dinner] [dinner] [dinner] [dinner] [dinner] Swede, thanks for sharing. I’ll be dreaming about this for the next few nights. [Y]


God Bless

I’m afraid that the guy’s idea of what a train looks like is not to my “taste”. How hard would it be to look at a picture of a real train, or an actual train?–the sculpture is on display in a train station, after all.

But seriously, folks, it distresses me that just about every artistic realization of a train that I see, including this one, puts the wheels near the outside of the loading gauge, automobile style. Most folks not as obsessed with trains as we are seem to imagine that the train is not much wider than the track gauge, when it is actually more than twice that wide.

This is more than an aesthetic consideration: Because of this wrong impression, people get dangerously closer to tracks than they should. Ten years ago, here in Austin, a deaf beauty queen was killed by a UP train while taking a shortcut (and texting) alongside the track. I’m sure she thought she was safe; but, even if she was walking outside the crossties, she was still at least 10 inches too close (13 inches if the ties were only 8.5 feet long).