Gulf Coast deal reached

No details released.

That could mean one of two items.

#1 They view the port authority as the issue and do not want them to know the details.

#2 They do not want other railroads to know details as their negotiations are pending still.

Isn’t that swell! Let the speculation commence!

I believe I’ll wait for some actual details.

The real story is always in the details. Without the details there is no story.

I have to say as well for a company that has been for the most part cash starved since it’s creation in 1971. It is a little disappointing they have no ready to go projects ready to execute on. Even after this lawsuit is resolved…no public announcement on what they are going to move forwards on or when. There was a lot riding on this lawsuit from what I understand there was multiple Amtrak expansion projects just in the Southeast alone. Amtrak has nothing to say about any of them after the lawsuit in which it told everyone it was waiting on a resolution for first before expanding?

It’s just disappointing.

Amtrak has already started station work.

need to find a link

Heh the details leaked but I posted in the Dallas to Atlanta Amtrak thread by mistake.

Here are the details via a TRAINS Newswire brief:

More details: