Hafner Chicago train set

I recently acquired a Hafner Chicago train set.
Locomotive…Red/silver…1010 markings
Tender…red/silver …Hafner markings
2 Hopper cars…green/red…#13788
1 Auto Carrier Car…Yelllow/red…#13789
1 Cattle car…Yellow/red…#1350141
1 Caboose…Red…#3057
All in excellent condition with an oval track. The train still winds up and runs. Any idea of what this set may be worth?? I appreciate any comments.

Wow, Nice set. The 1010 in the red/silver combo is a beauty. Check the underside of the engine for recycled metal, some printing or lettering. Some collectors pay a premium for engines with recycled metal.

Hafners are fun to collect. Lots of colorful engines and cars. I would estimate around $100.00 for the set. Look on e-bay for other Hafner sets.

Here’s some of mine,