Hi guys,
A month ago I finally built my first of 4 hand layed turnouts and the first and second one I built turned out to be a disaster. They were both built on all wood ties with the throw rod the only part that was a copper clad PC tie. BAD MISTAKE. I built them when the weather was dry and everything worked out well. The trains smoothly transversed the points and the frog until the humidity moved in. (And this part of Texas has some real high humidity.) When the train hit the turnout everything derailed. I found that all the rail was out of gauge in sections that caused the derailments. I ended up rebuilding them but this time, I used the copper clad PC board ties every 5th tie which I soldered the rail to and have not had any problems since.
Another thing I found is that building the pointed rails at the frog first works better than building the point / closure rails first. Once the point rail at the frog is exactly 9’ 7" (4’ 81/2" centered between the straight and diverging outside rails) everything else fell into place. One thing I also found since i used code 100 rail is that the only device that works to throw the points is a SPDT micro switch with a wire attached to the throw bar. A tortoise machine with a .039 wire isn’t strong enough to throw the points and the caboose industries switch stand with the metal slide that is wired to change the power to the frog from the right or left rail doesn’t work too well. (It just won’t make contact with the small brass plate once it’s assembled.)
Anyway, I’m having a blast building the hand layed turnouts and plan to do more when it’s time to replace any other turnouts on my layout that may fail in the future…chuck