Hand-laying N-Scale Track

I would like to hand-lay some N-Scale track, but, while I have seen plenty of hand-layed HO Track,I have never seen any in N-Scale. Can this be done or is it just too small? I would also appriciate any helpful tips, especially on what materials to buy and where to get them. Thank You.

The only handlaid N-scale I have seen had to be soldered to ties made out of printed circuit board ,they (people who did this) said they couldn’t find spikes small enough to clear the flanges on code 55 (the largest size track that looks scale).

Try the San Diego model RR club. I’m not sure what their web address is, but I know they’ve handlaid a lot of code 55 & 40 N scale track using the PC ties available from Clover House.

Hand lay N scale track? It has been done, as was mentioned, by the Belomont Shores club. If you want to do it Daniel, good luck to you. God knows I don’t have the patience for it.

Good luck! Code 55 flex works for me…

don’t be afraid. I hand lay code 40 dual guage (N & Nn3)
http://members.home.net/kknox1/kevin knox.htm
I can answer any questions you have.

I have also laid code 55 track using the Pliobond method. The biggest problem I always had was with the throwbar connection between the points of a turnout. Now I just use ME code 55 track and turnouts. The appearance is just as good, but you lose some flexibility in turnout sizes.
