In the Midieval Days of model railroading, hand laying track and turnouts was common, if not the only means available. Commercially built turnouts made things easier for more people to build a layout and the science of handlaying track all but disappeard.
Up until recently, information on hand laying track and turnouts was sparce. The subject seemed to have gone underground and only a few “old hats” continued the pratice. Turnout parts and kits have always been available more or less, but when an artical on hand laying turnouts in Model Railroader was published, it made me wonder if there is a resurgence in hand laying track and turnouts.
[?] Did you start from scrap or do you buy a kit?
[?] What advice or opinions do you have for handlaying turnouts?
[?] Were you happy with the results?
[?] Have you done or tried something more complicated like a double slip switch?