Happy Canada Day!

Since no one else has done it yet, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all my fellow Canadians here on the forums a Happy Canada Day! Enjoy the day off and be proud of your country! Happy 137th birthday, Canada!

Woo Hoo!


You folks down south have one coming up pretty soon too, don’t you?


Yes, Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian forum family!!

I will crack open a Labatt tonight in honor…[;)][bow][swg][(-D]

Oh, … wait a minute, no Labatt’s, cause Kevin never sent the money he owes me !!!


Ya know, I probably will open a Blue Light or so tonight. Here’s to our neighbors (and close ones at that, for me) to the north, eh?

[bday] Happy Canada Day to you folks up north.Have fun and have a party!

I like Canada. It keeps the US from sliding into the North Pole!

Happy Happy.

If it was’nt for the Canadian Pacific Railway we would all be just our own provinces … Long live the CPR , besides who wants to watch CN all day – cheers from the people over the 49th parallel.


Happy Canada Day to everyone to our north in Canada! [bday]





Almsot as old as Vic-

Happy Canada Day, Eh