Happy Father's Day!

In the fall of 1962 my dad, noticing my interest in railroads, came home one night with a copy of the Oct. 1962 issue of Trains. I received a Lionel train set that year for Christmas. A few years later, he gave me an Athearn HO train set at another Christmas, which started my lifelong dedication to model railroading.

I know that thousands of father’s did similar things for their sons but in my case, he left me with a legacy that I enjoy each and every day. Dad passed away 10 years ago , but I remember these simple gestures from long ago.

Thanks dad, and happy Father’s Day to you and all of us who became fathers over the decades since.


Dad got me interested in trains as well. We spent hours together at different “hot spots” before they were known as hot spots, watching trains, going on excursions and visiting tourist railroads.

JJT_Towmotor by Edmund, on Flickr

My dad came from a family of railroaders but didn’t actually work on the railroad.

I’m sure glad he gave me my head-start into this great hobby.

[Edit] Found a photo of dad holding me while on the C&O 2707 in Cleveland circa 1958.

April_RR_C&O2707 by Edmund, on Flickr

Cheers, Ed

Happy Father’s Day Dads.

Cedarwoodron… good call I can relate to what you said in your post.

Ed… your Dad sure looks like a great guy. Just from the picture I can see where your good mannerism came from… [;)]

P.S… my dad is missed today and thought of every day. He was a retired marine sergeant and was a little strict. But he taught us life lessons that I still live by today.

Happy Father’s Day Dad

I love being a dad. Raising my girls was the greatest experience I will ever have.


They have all moved away, so I am going to see SOLO again today… by myself.




Yep, Dad got me interested in trains at a young age and I can feel him in the trainroom grinning ear to ear with the layout we now have. It was plywood Pacifics as a kid and now I have a modest 15’ x 24’ room filled up.

Dad died in 1993 after battling with Alzheimer’s for a few years. He was in a wonderful care facility and I would take him big picture books of trains which he poured over constantly. He always knew who I was, not Mom or my sister or anyone else. I think it was all the time we spent runnin the railroad that may have had something to do with that.

Having kids was the best adventure I have ever had and couldn’t be more proud of them. To help me through that horror,[(-D] they bought me two very large, very expensive bottles of rum for fathers day. I can see the headline now, Rum blamed for a misaligned switch in massive derailment.[:-^]

Happy Fathers day, Dad’s.

If everyone could see my six-year old twins helping me on the layout it would be awesome! They love building various parts and ask me questions about working on it next and what to do. Pls don’t tell my wife that I let them use a power drill! At this rate, they might be up for soldering wire.

Happy Father’s Day to all the current, past, and future fathers who continue to help us with various efforts (including trains)!