This post is sorta inevitable, so let’s get it started.
Our fondest wishes to everyone for a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
When you sit down and bow your head before your holiday meal, say a prayer for those members of our Armed Forces who are in harm’s way protecting our liberty, thousands of miles from their homes, families and friends.
And the same to you, Poppa, and to all the other forum members and friends. Give thanks for all the blessings we enjoy in this “one nation under God” and in our allied nations around the globe.
May this year’s Turkey Day be as safe, fun, and memorable as it can reasonably be.
I’m grateful to all those who have given sacrificed their comfort for mine. Especially my brother in law currently in Iraq, then Afghanistan, and finally Africa before he comes home to his 3rd child. I’m also grateful to my sister’s service (just retired), my father’s service (before my time), and the rest of all of our Armed Services this day. I’m grateful to all those in Police/Fire/EMS that put their lives at risk to save lives. I thank all of you from my soul for being as brave and dedicated as you are.
Thank you to all in the armed forces and police/fire/EMT, and also a special thank you needs to go out to the hard working railroad men and women, who unlike most, will not have the luxury of the Thanksgiving holidays off. While most will be sitting down with family and friends for the holidays, these fine working souls will be, in some cases, braving the elements, enjoying quality time with an engineer or conductor who they have already spent one too many trips with, enjoy a luke warm can of soup or sidewall burrito for their holiday feast, and have the pleasure of watching turkeys popping out of the weeds dropping fusees and red flags. They will, however, continue to take the trains to their destinations, sacrificing precious family time, and at the same time making this forum and this hobby possible. For this, I thank you.
i’m also respectful for the troops, but that’s a story too political for this forum. so i’ll leave it at that.
i hope everyone had a good feast. i had absoluately nothing. i simply carried on my anual tradition of isolating myself from the rest of the family to rethink my life.
what am i thankful for…hmmm:
that UP decided not to get rid of Altoona etc in favor of the parallel CN to get to the twin cities
that my family is still all together
that i actually have a working layout
that liking newer locomotives DOESNT make me a foamer after all
Probably not on the same level as the foregoing, but how about the railroaders who handle (yes, and made up) the trains we watched today? Thanks and Godspeed to them, too!
You are so right… I couldn’t help thinking about all of you railroad folks yesterday as the trains were zipping by the house. I am remiss for not metioning you guys in my post.
On this “Friday after Thanksgiving” I hope everyone’s holiday was great, and everyone had a good time.
I didn’t post yesterday because of a house full of people, but I hope everyone had a great day and a house full of good will, like mine.
Many of my Thanksgivings were spent in the Police service, and I thought some of you folks would like to know, it’s the most peaceful holiday of the year. We should have more of them.