Hello! I’m surfing the net looking for unique details for my n scale layout. It seems like 3-D printing has really changed the hobby and almost anything can be modeled in this scale. I have not purchased any of these yet, but the website, Shapeways, has peaked my interest. Has anyone bought and used 3-D items from Shapeways? Would you recommend it?
What exact details are you looking for? The last that I read, tolerances for 3D printers were +/-0.005". That may not be an issue for what you are needing. However, the smaller the scale; the more importance resolutions and tolerance will be to you - especially if the part(s) are very detailed. You’ll also need to create & submit a drawing for them to be able to fabricate the needed part(s).
i haven’t bought from outside sources, but i’ve built and used 3d printed items in a ho layout …
does that help ??
I have purchased a few HO scale detail bits from Shapeways and I am quite pleased with what I got. I bought a number of machine shop tools and some oxy-acetylene torch sets as well as some chairs. The detail was very good on all the various pieces, certainly better than most cast metal ones, and there was no flash.
I only ran into one problem and that was the size of the welding sets. The first ones that I bought, which were advertized as HO, were way too small to represent the sort of full sized tanks that would be found in a roundhouse or machine shop. In HO, they were about the size of a set that somebody might use at home. I contacted Shapeways just to tell them that the listing was unclear as to the actual size. I did not ask for a refund. They responded very quickly to apologise, and they offered a full refund. I was able to find more suitably sized sets for the same price. As a bonus, they told me to keep the smaller sets as well. I thought that was pretty decent customer service.
Ive bought several things from shapeways the shipping cost and speed were reasonable.
I have also bought quite a few pieces. Always check the resolution and material box to make sure it is set to the highest resolution. The default is cheapest price which is lowest resolution. I am also finding that some are selling knockoffs. Like tichy’s PRR railing is. Just be mindfull and make sure it isnt a copy of an existing product
I have bought quite a few things from Shapeways and I’ve never been disappointed.
I bought the Bachmann gears that I didn’t think were going to be made from strong enough material but so far they’re doing OK.
I’ve bought several female 1:87 figures that have outstanding detail, much better than Preiser figures. I make molds and casting of each then chop them up to make kitbashed non look alike figures. In the long run the total cost drops below the cost of Preiser figures with many positions to chose from.
I bought one HO Athearn passenger car interior and the detail again is outstanding but the cost per interior is on the high side.
I also bought 1:87 scale chairs for my diner that really look good, again outstanding detail.
I bought these
Really great well detailed models