Has anyone done a powered Speeder ?

Would love to see how it was done

In what scale? G scale it would be pretty easy. O scale wouldn’t be too hard. HO could get interesting. N? Good luck. Z? If someone has done it in Z scale and it actually runs - I would pay to see that.

I could see a possibility in HO using the Kato powered trucks that use the coreless motors. The only saving grace is that your typial speeder has the raised housing down the center where the drive train and controls are on the real thing, which means there is space for a motor and gears.

Actually, Bachmann did an HO one, though it may be a tad large - but then speeders came in all sorts of sizes. They aren’t all the smaller models you often see people restoring and running.


Me too. It would be difficult in HO without some kind of very specialized electronics and motor.

I imagine if one could be done in HO, it would need keep alive or it would stall frequently. Of course where are you going to hide a motor, decoder and keep alive circuit?

A NWSL Stanton drive might be a possinbility, check starting at page 6


I’m waiting for Dave (hon30critter) to chime in, he is the King of itty bitty stuff.


Modeling the early to mid 1950s SP in HO scale since 1951

My Model Railroad

Bakersfield, California

I’m beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.

Second tha

My 1:1 Fairmont MT-14 is powered by a 23 HP Ingersoll-Rand Generator Gas Engine.



I’m not exactly sure what it is you’re looking for but years ago someone added DCC to a speeder.


This thread reminded me of an HO DC powered handcar I acquired long ago, pretty much a novelty on a modern era layout, unless one were modeling handcar races. It was out of scale, prone to stalling and had to be run at high speeds, but was fun and can’t recall a layout visitor who wasn’t tickled to see those little guys pumping away like mad at the handles. Now with a DCC layout the handcar has long been relegated to a crowded display case, and those little guys whom were once so energetic now stand frozen in time.

Sorry for the off-topic, regards, Peter

did one in HO a while back, used a Stanton drive for power …

working arms that moved up and down …

no DCC, not much room for extra weight, had to run pretty fast to stay powered up, too light, went in the display case, then to another home

Hi guys:

Thanks Mel and Patrick for the compliments. You made me blush! However, I have to give part credit where credit is due. Many of my critter projects were inspired by Darth Santa Fe. I think he is the real master because he can do the design work using available gears and other components, usually from NWSL. I can copy his designs but I would have a hard time figuring out exactly what components would be needed.

The late Wolfgang Dudler was the one who got me on to the BullAnt drives from Hollywood Foundry which I used in my Grandt Line 23 tonner and box cab. Unfortunately the BullAnt drives are temporarily unavailable. Geoff Baxter, the maker, has had some health problems, but I believe he promises to be back.

I have had some success using Bachmann 4-4-0 N scale drive systems and building the bodies like the one in my avatar. The Bachmann N 4-4-0 mechanism could be used to build a speeder but the wheels would be oversized. Here is the Bachmann locomotive:


Bachmann did a ‘speeder’ in HO a few years ago. It is not exactly prototypical but it does bare a reasonable resemblance. There are a few on eBay right now:


Here is an active link to the DCC conversion that Tony mentioned:


I have the decoder and the speeder

That is a problem with the Bachmann speeder too. The only way I could see to make it heavier would be to scratchbuild the body out of 0.050" brass or lead. The lead would have to be handled with care to avoid bending the shell.

The speeder comes with two flat cars which have metal wheels. If you were really tricky you could install 0.010" phosphor bronze power pick up wires and use magnet wire to get the power to the decoder.



Progress up date

Just a suggestion, in addition to having power pickup on the trailers perhaps (if you are successful in powering a speeder) do another and couple them together, you could increase electrical contact by having twice as many wheels and the trailers could have increased weight to aid in contact, just a suggestion, sounds like a cool project!

JD of TCS has been watching my progress and promised to send me Some SM keep alive Capacitors

Yes, i’ve got one of those little handcars - - made by Bachmann, as I recall. Bought it at a train show (overpaid for it IMO, $15.00), over 20 years ago. My young sons were interested in it so I bought it mainly to please them. They lost interest in it very quickly. You’re right, a rough runner at best.

“Speeder”, like a Fairmont Speeder? I’ve thought of trying to power one of those before. Durango Press makes some cheap ones in HO that could be a good base for this.

Yes go to the You Tube video for a look


Bachmann UK has actually done a speeder, powered and also available with DCC. Granted, it’s OO, but the things are small enough that the scale discrepancy shouldn’t be all that noticeable.



Hi Andre:

I really like the ‘open’ look of the Bachmann OO speeder vs. the North American model, but where do they suggest putting the decoder? The gondola obviously contains the motor. Is there any room left in it for a decoder?
