I am goint to paint a OMI AC4400CW in the KCS paint scheme. Does anyone whoo has painted this know what colors you used? Or even what decal sets you also used?
I am goint to paint a OMI AC4400CW in the KCS paint scheme. Does anyone whoo has painted this know what colors you used? Or even what decal sets you also used?
I use equipment primer gray for the main color (Wal-Mart), signal flag yellow for the yellow (Testor’s flat acrylic). I make the decals myself so I can’t help you with any info there.
I’d start with Microscale and their website. Their 87-1100 is specifcally for AC4400Ws. Their data sheets usually contain info regarding what paints to use by both brand and color. My other recommendation would be to stick with model railroad colors and paints such as Floquil, Scalecoat, Pollyscale etc. and to stay away from the Wally World et al craft paints. The reason is that the MRR paints will have more finely ground pigments than the craft paints. This will result in a smoother finish, thinner coat and allow the details to show.
Think about it. You spent how much on the OMI loco? Now’s not the time to become a cheapskate and save a few bucks by going with craft paint and half—ed decals. A top quality loco deserves a top quality paint job.
I agree with Jerry. I have seen his custom paint work with the airbrush and it is awesome. Rattle can paint can go on way to heavy unless you are very far away but coverage becomes an issue. Use the model paint and a good airbrush for the best results.