Has some other web forum software been considered??

Out of all the dozens of forums I visit and use, this is one of the worst as far as being user friendly. It borders on terrible!

  1. It doesn’t allow saving of log-in data (username & password). I beleive this is the only forum that doesn’t allow this in Opera. Operas ‘wand’ feature is great. I know Firefox has a similar feature, I don’t know if it works there or not. As far as that POS browser from M$, it don’t waste my time with inferior bloated software so I can’t comment there, [:(!]

  2. It uses the longer, annoying e-mail as a username (which wouldn’t be a problem if #1 was addressed),

  3. The actual area for the ‘forums text’ is very small, occupying 1/3 of the screen width (on a 16x10 monitor), the rest is wasted space AFAIC,

  4. There is no ability to do a quote w/o typing in the brackets,

  5. There is no ability to add attachments w/o going through the complicated process of host them elsewhere and creating links that don’t always work properly,

  6. The log-in process is beyond annoying. Normally if you are in a thread or at least in one of the sub-forums, ‘login’ is at the top of the page. OR, when you hit reply the next page is the log-in page (which it is here) and it will return you to the thread and a reply box. NOT so here, it returns you to a Trains non forum page, nothing to do with where you were. You have to hit the return/back button several times, then do a page refresh to post the reply. If you remember to login first, that problem is solved, but most other forums the software works and is laid out properly, [tdn]

  7. When you do enter a post, the next page doesn’t re-direct you back to your post,only back to the sub forum you were in. You then have to re-enter that thread and navigate to where you post is. If it is in a long multi-page thread, then there are more button presses. BUT, it does return you to your post if you just edit your existing post. [^o)]

Is it cost or something else that vBulletin s