Have You Been Told To Leave?

I am trying to take an unscientific survey to find out how frequently, and under what circumstances, railfans watching or photographing trains from bona fide public property have been told to leave by local police or other officials.

Note: I am not an attorney, but to my way of thinking public property would include parks, overpasses with defined walkways, hiker-biker trails, sidewalks on city streets, tourist rest areas, or possibly museum grounds. Public property would not include shopping malls or railroad stations because they are privately owned.

the only time I have been asked to leave public property while railfanning was some years ago during a strike on the Soo Line. They were concerned about sabotage. I didn’t argue (since they weren’t running many trains anyway!)
Dave Nelson

I should have added I was more interested in incidents where railfans who were watching or photographing trains from public property since September 11, 2001 were asked to leave.

What’s the purpose of your survey?

i am 18 and when i was 16 i was on my frends farm and his drive way crosses the BNSF here in delano minnesota and we were wating for milwaukee road 261 to roll thrugh when the wright county sherriff and a state truper told us to leave as 261 rolled by. his drive way is a half mile long (we were about 3/4 down with video and still cameras.) so we went back to his barn and worked on his 1915 steam tractor. my camera was confiscated but i got it back after i went to the sherrif and exsplaned that i ment no harm to BNSF or to my self. farmall kid