Have You ran into a bad Amtrak Emplyoee It can in the Station or on Train

Have You ran into a bad Amtrak Emplyoee? I’ve got 2 The Worse was I was photographing the Texas Eagle in Joliet and a Coach attdent yelled in a very rude madder she said you need get permisson to take pictures so I said This is a Free Country you I evey right to photograph trains so I called Amtrak and complained and they said I have evey right to take Pictures and the best I was on the Coast Starlight and in diner so I asked are Waiter Who is not named protect the guilty Party so I asked for some water then 10 minites later I dosen’t come so I ask again he said muttering It’s coming then the food takes for ever and It gets worse then when the Parlor Car attendent is on his meal break I need water and their is none in the Sleepers so I go to the Diner I ask one of waittress said sorry son were out so our waiter saids GO TO THE LOUNGE[:(!][:(!][:(!][:(!] then she said YOU’LL PAY FOR IT so i got my water I was upset because I was not expecting that service on the Coast Starlight after me and aunt paid over 1,400 dollars to ride the Coast Starlight see the Coast

Man, Doggy, Some Train Employees Just don’t know where to get off…

We had one once, A train Conductor, who found it quite fun to yell at teenagers A) for no reason and B) for the fun of it.

Pointless and somewhat Inane i found, simply beacuse, Children WILL BE your future Customers. There is nothing you can do to stop it. If you brand their Brain with Harsh Content, They won’t forget it.

The hobby Shop in Pointe Claire The owner Was REALLY rude when i was a kid, Eversince then, I HAVE NOT gone back.

If amtrak Feels they have the need to Shun their cutomers, Then Doggy, Prove to them they have won by not going back on.



Kevin were you on the train when the Conudctor yelled at the teenagers did you complaine?


Hey Guys, Doggy, Kevin

I have several friends that work or have worked for Amtrak. Station employees and managers.

You’re right. But consider that part of the problem is that like anything that is government funded, you’re dealing with a “red tape filled bueracracy”. In Amtrak’s case it’s a double edged sword.

Some of Amtrak’s middle management are under a lot of stress but instead of working and encouraging the people under them, they pu***hem to the point where the “bad attitude” is the norm.

On the flip side, some employees have a “nasty demeanor”, plain and simple but they know that the chances of being fired are slim as Amtrak must follow a rigid Bargaining Unit- Progressive Discipline Procedure before termination.

To top it off, some supervisors would prefer not to write up a rude employee if the employee happens to be a minority member or a long time employee. Forget the political correctness, this is reality!!

In the end when you look at Amtrak “Train by Train”, it all depends on the "On Board Services Supervisor" and the Conductor. If they are quality, high caliber people that have earned the on board crew’s respect, then they can demand without hesitation that all crew members treat passengers (even the rude ones) as if they’re important clients That then is when quality service is delivered.[swg][tup]

I’ve ridden Amtrak many times and have witnessed outstanding service [:D]and rotten service. [|(]

I’ve been rude to several times, but I’ve found that it’s best to use your head and wit. instead of getting steamed and putting the clown [:o)] [:(!]acting like a jerk in his/her place! (as tempting as it is!) [4:-)]

Doggy, there are a lot of grea

Well, Doggy The bad news is He still works for CP, and he still spreads his grumpyness to almsot every person he come sin Contact with.

A) I avoid him - I don’t need the additional hassels.

B) I don’t talk to him unless i have to - If he’s at one end of the Train, i’m at the other

C) I avoid Employee Vs. Emplyee, he’s an old basterd, and i’m not - If he feels he can’t address the public properly, thats his loss, you wouldn’t be back on the Train, and i Would feel bad for you, But you msut rememebr Whoever thinks they can get away with treating a Child or a teenager differently then an adult, jsut because it appears they can’t fight their battles properly, is dead wrong.

D) thats jsut him - He is a yeller and a creamer… he’s like a big baby. Some people in this world hold important jobs, and make themselves available to the public, YET HAVE no idead how to deal with the public And that is the shame of it, You really don’t have to go far to see it either.

Any Place the relys on customers Shopul Really NOT Treat it’s customers badly, And almsot every buisness Relys on them.

What Annoys me, Is when he Tells Teenagers he’s going to throw thme of a Train for a certain behavior, Yet he does this same behavior himself. A HYPOCRITE is never welcome in any society, i have a saying that follows me: Kevin- Do as i do, and do as i say. I never tell people to stop if i would do the same behavior, what does that make me?

He’s, a mean old guy, who apparently never liked his job from Day one- Thats fine, he outta give it someone who would like it.

I love my job, have conversations with the people, and more often then not i leave them laughing

However rules have to be enforced, If i threaten to throw som

No skills-

No Social skills I should say-

An innability to deal with scoeity, and people of that society…

For all Rail emplyees past and present:

if ALL you feel you can do in a situation that isn’t looking good is to Bark or threaten the person, perhaps you should leave your job and become a garbage man or somehting where you don’t have much contact with people.

People keep your buisness alive, (Amtrak, Via, Trains.com, Yahoo.com, AMT, Go services in Toronto, STCUM etc…) I highly Don’t reccomend you scare them off because you don’t know how to deal with a situation.

Thats jsut poor…

Antoino I support Amtrak becuase I hate to FLY so I would only have the Car to ride if Amtrak went under which it better not


IF you want to you can also tell what happened