I just laid out an N scale layout. After i laid it out i ran my trains on it to see if the track had any problems. I have one piece of track that will NOT lay flat at the joint and the trains keep coming derailed. I have changed out the track coupler, changed out both pieces of track, even cut my own pieces of flex track and it still does not lie flat. I have done everything i can think of (short of using Holy Water and calling the local Priest) and nothing works. what am i doing wrong? thanks!
You may have too much pressure on that rail joint causing it to be pushed upward. Try cuttiing or filing a small amount of rail off the end of both rails on one piece of track to the point that a very slight gap opens up between the rail ends, and see if it doesn’t flatten out.
I’m worried that your track geometry is just a little off, based on your description of the problem.
Have you double checked all of your other joints? They may be flat, but if the rail ends aren’t even you will have a kink somewhere. That could be what’s throwing you off.
Are you using only sectional track, or a mix with flex? Remember when using flex, if you curve it at all, one rail end will need to be trimmed.
I take it that none your track is secured to the roadbed yet.
Is the surface you are laying track on flat?
Are you laying it over a joint in your roadbed or sub roadbed? If so, sand it flat and then relay your track.
I took all the advice and took my Dremmel and sanded down the rail and made it fit more smoothly. didn’t have to take off much and now everything is running smoothly. Thanks guys!!!