Hello I have a HO Broadway Limited Blue Line GE AC6000, it comes with sound on board I had add a DCC decoder separately. Now I can change the address of the DCC decoder with no problem, but not having any luck with setting the sound to the same address. So I can set the DCC decoder to the number of my locomotive but not the sound decoder, the factory installed sound decoder. Any suggestions?
When working properly, both the sound and motion decoders should address simultaneously. Which decoder did you install in your Blueline? BLI has a “recommended” motion decoder list for their Blueline series - i.e. decoders that they have tested and found to successfully program with their sound system. That may be the issue that you’re running into.
Thanks for the reply Tom I went back and checked, I am using one of the recommended decoders Digitrax DN143IP. It’s even listed in the operators manual.
You have to set the address for each decoder separately, that is remove the motion decoder and set the sound decoder for the address you want. When this is working correctly, install the motion decoder and set it for the same address, then both will respond to the same address. I had to go thru this wiith my BLI blueline SD9. Wish I knew about this before I installed mine? good luck,
- Bob
Thanks Bob I will give it a try.
Well I have ran into another problem, the Blue Line manual for Diesel locomotives recommends programming on the main line and in Operations Mode, I have also tired all the modes and a (flashing) busy singles always appears on the screen. Here’s a few pictures of what it looks like in the rear with the vent piece off,
As you can see in the last picture, the decoder sticks up because of that blue piece.
What decoder are you using? You should use one of the ones BLI recommends, most of those have the 8 pin plug on a short harness so you can fit the decoder in without any issues. Direct plug decoders like that need sufficient clearance around the 8 pin plug which you do not have here.
Also check to see if a lock code was set on the decoders.
Randy - I am using one of the recommended decoder that is in the Blue Line operators manual for diesel locomotives, the Digitrax DN143IP, heres what the section about what decoders to use.
Brand Model Extension? Note
Digitrax DN143IP Yes Tiny decoder. Excellent fit.
NCE N14IP Yes Tiny decoder. Excellent fit.
Lenz Silver-MP No Excellent back EMF. Must disconnect green wire.
Train Control M1P-SH No Nothing
ESU &nb
To add to that I was able to reprogram my two Bachmann’s with no trouble, they just have motion decoders.
Are you using the extension to lift the decoder up? Not that this is the source of the problem of programming, but the decoder should fit squarely and firmly in the socket.
Today I just remember there is an extension that comes with the locomotive, it was a tight fit but the decoder is lifted up and level. Still no luck in programing.
What DCC system are you using? What number are you trying to program the loco to?
David B
David - I am using the Zephyr, and trying to program a four digit address 0632. The motion decoder responds to that address, I have tried all the programing modes both on main track, and programing track, half the time I get a busy signal. Or it says it can not detect a decoder.
Ok. thanks for that info.
What I want you to do is to remove all other locos from the layout, because this technique will program everything that is on the layout.
Select locomotive “00” on your throttle.
Go into OPs mode programming.
Write a value of 194 for CV17
Write a value of 120 for CV18
Write a value of 34 for CV29
Get out of programming mode and dial up your loco. It should work now.
David B
Hay thanks David I will try that.
Well I’ve been have more problems, I know how to change an loco address that is easy. I know some what how to change CV’s but for some reason the display shows busy flashing, again this is the only locomotive that is giving me such a problem. Or for even changing the sets back to factory, I go into program mode OPs, then push Steps CV’s and CV-RD and put in 08, then push CV-WR and I get a busy signal. Or could someone tell me how to change CV’s with the Zephyer it’s looks like I’m not doing it right.
You cannot read CVs in Ops mode. I suggest you read the section in the Zephyr manual on programming. It’s really quite straightforward. Don’t skim, read it so you see what button to press at each stage.
Ok I have been able to reprogram the DCC motion decorder, and change CV values, I read the two manuals both the Zephyr’s and Blueline diesel. I was able to change the CV29 to 39 so the engine runs forward in forward not backwards, from the fact I can not turn the decorder 180 degrees, I’m using the Digitrax DN143IP. So all those problems are fixed, but I still can not program the sound decoder to the same address as the motion decoder. As other’s have said in this thread other sound systems program with no trouble with motion decoder’s, the sound decoder that’s in my GE AC 6000CW is Tsunamis. I do not know what model it is.
As Bob said…remove the motive decoder (8 pin plug) and set the BLI to the address you want. Plug in the decoder and set the address the same as the motive decoder (factory decoder). All should work well. I have also been able to just do a reset with both decoders installed and then program on the “Main” to the correct address.