Heading to Maine

I’m heading to Old Orchard Beach in a week or so, just wondering if anyone knows of any good hobby shops around there?

Where are you coming from? You might pass a few on the way, too.

Sorry, I’m coming from Ottawa Canada through Montreal and down to Maine.

I’ve been here:
Maine Model Works
417 Route One
Falmouth, ME

Good selection friendly, about 30 miles north of Old Orchard as the crow flies.

Here is the Walthers listing

Accord - While perhaps not a true hobby shop, a very worthwhile side trip would be to Bar Mills Scale Models in Bar Mills, ME, less than 10 miles from where you’ll be staying! Not only will you get to see the laser process by which some of today’s best wood kits are made but there’s also the opportunity to see one of the most impressive, highly detailed, N scale layouts around…the Bar Mill’s (actually Art Fahie’s) Niagara & Pearl Creek. I regard the high density urban scenery of his City of Amherst as one of the finest urban scenes anywhere, in any scale and the basis of the HO city diorama on my own layout.


Old Orchard Beach is barely a stone’s throw from the Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunk:


Again, not a hobby shop, but a really worthwhile trip for a railfan.

It’s off of I-295. If you’re coming north from OOB, get off at exit 10 and head north on Rte 1. It’ll be on the right. Be careful, though, it’s one of several businnesses in the same building and it’s easy to miss. If you’re coming south on I-295, get off at exit 15 and head south on Rte 1.

It’s a small shop, but well stocked for its size and specializes in New England railroads.
