Helix building with Bachmann handcar???

Hi Guys,

O scaler here building amusement park ride with HO equipment. Looking for recommendations on track - Atlas code 83 or ? What would be the tightest radius and what would be the steepest grade the handcar could handle? Also the handcar will have 3 or 4 O gauge children sitting on it so it will be a little heavier than purchased. Any help much appreciated - if successful, I will send pictures. Thanks, Chris

A hand car should be able to take a very tight radius. The smallest radius sectional track I know of in HO is 15", but you certainly could make a tighter turn with flex track. As for how tight I think you will have to experiment a little.

The same goes for grade. Since you didn’t give a number for the hand car, I am not sure if it is powered or not. If it is, does it have traction tires? If so it could do quite a bit steeper grade.

Since you are looking for an extreme ability of an unusual item, not sure many folks have set up such on their layouts. Usually we are thinking about how sharp a curve longer cars will go around, a hand car would not have any problems.

Good luck,


Hi Richard, I will using the powered version handcar. The Grade has to be just high enough to climb over itself every loop. Any tips on sodering flex track in the 15’ to 18" radii? This will be a first for me. Chris

Chris, your biggest concern will be the grade. In a helix, the tighter the radius (and I’ve seen flex track as tight as 6" radius), the steeper grade will be required in order for the track to cross over itself with enough clearance. You’re going to need at least a couple of inches of clearance and maybe more between the railhead and any overhead structure for the next level. Using the formula for the circumference of a circle (Pi x Diam. - e.g.: 3.1416*12=37.7") and the the formula for figuring the grade (rise/run - e.g.: 4" rise in 100" = 4% grade) you’ll have to figure out the the combination that works for you.

You can test the handcar by getting a 3’ length of track and nailing it to a board. Connect a power pack to the track, set the handcar on the track, and elevate one end of the track. Try to run the handcar up the track. Keep elevating it and trying it out. When you reach the point where it will no longer make the grade, note the elevation, and using the formula above, figure the grade. You now have the maximum grade the handcar will climb.

Use that info with the formulas above and determine the helix diameter you will need. Good luck, and let us know what you come up with. I, for one, am curious how it will turn out.

Maybe too light for grades. BTW I only see O scale operating handcars on Bachmann’s site.

