yes im looking for info on how to build a helix for my layout .i have dicided to build a multi-level layout and i see where construction of a helx will be needed . i have seen the easy helx ad in MR mag, and was wondering if scratch building is less exspensive ? i have knowlage of model construction and also have the use of all tools plans would be great but anyother resorce will be fine. thanks ,remember its a jungle out there ,a hobo jungle that is …tramptrac =]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=
I did a 24" radius helix five tiers high and it worked good with 4 powered units pulling a 30 car freight. I now prefer much larger curves (less drag=longer trains) and would build 32" to 48" radius if I were building another one. Allow at least 2" each side of the centerline (3" is better). Swing all 3 lines on 1/2 to 3/4" plywood and cut out the curve with a saber saw. It goes pretty fast. Cut the splice plates about 8 to 9" and glue under the plywood. It is easier to do one full layer at a time with cork and track leaving enough short or loose to overlap the next section joint. Make your track work flawless as you go and always stagger joints to avoid humps and kinks. One thing to really consider is doing the helix double track as there is a lot of hidden track and you can use it to stage trains in each direction. Make the outer track the upward direction as the grade will be a little bit easier with more radius. Think it through and do one step at a time. It sounds scary but really is doable and it’s neat the first trip to see what you have accomplished.