I just checked ebay & there is a 1946 Large Stack Motor for your #726 in the Lionel Postwar listing. The seller is ju52 & his ebay# is 9410. The Start bid is $6.99 & you have six days left to bid on it. He also has some other parts for the 1946 Berk also. Just type in “726” & ju’s listings will show up. Hope this helps & Take Care.
Don’t worry, I saw it the minute it came on last night. I will keep my eyes open for it. It is just what i needed. How much you think it will go up to in say 6 more days?? thanks.
I have dealt with ju52 on two occasions in the past on Ebay & have found him to be an excellent Ebayer. I doubt you will have any trouble or problems with him.
Grayson- That Motor will go for more than $30.00. It was made only one year & that was it. They have to be about one of the hardest to find parts Lionel ever made. I would be surprised to see it sell for under $100.00. Of course, the way the economy is now it will be hard to tell how much this particular motor will sell for. My only advice to Lionel2 is to bid as much as he can afford to pay for it & no less. Take Care all.