
whats the bset thing to use to clean ho track for trains


Most of us on this forum have long since left the “smaller scales” and moved outside to play in the real dirt. Seems as though I remember something about putting a piece of masonite under a boxcar and attaching a piece of sandpaper. Last time I ran HO was about 25 years ago, you might want to go over to the Model Railroader forum and ask the question again.

Yes, the MRR forum. Be preparedfor ALL sorts of answers, though…or possibly even none at all.

btw - [#welcome] there’s lots to be learned here with many knowledgeable and helpful people!

Track cleaning is a much discussed topic with many opinions. Simply wiping off the track with isopropyl alcohol can help; some use the track cleaning cars; others swear by metal polish. If you do a forum search on just the word gleam you will find many of the past discussions.

oh, one more thing – it would help to generate responses if you put your topic in the subject.

I use Blue Magic paste metal polish. I just apply a thin coating to the railheads with a piece of cork, let it dry then buff it off with a clean piece of cork. I also use it on track just out of the package. I was surprised at the amount of gunk that’s on new track. I can’t say what ypur results would be, but I polished my track in June of 06 and haven’t had to do a real cleaning since. Just a wipe with a clean cloth is all that’s needed, and that’s only if the layout hasn’t been used for a long while of when I’ve been working on scenery close to the track.

[#welcome] See above ; You’ll get lots of answers , I rarely if ever have to clean mine, nice clean room I built for my layout keeps pollution down to a tolerable level.

[#welcome]Try searching for “track cleaning”