Can you tell us your basic plans for your layout? Around the wall, table top? Point to point, loop, industrial, rural, prototype, freelanced, modern era, steam era, transition period, etc.
good to have you back in the hobby, Education is so important nowadays. seems like just last week when I graduated. that was in 81. the key to everything in life is this, Stay young in mind and young at heart and you will live a long and happy life. trust me on that. the alternative is getting old long before your time. Now I’ll steal a line from Mr Spock, Live long and Prosper. Neil
What are your plans for the future? If furthering your education is in the mix, you will find it takes up a lot of your time. If marriage and a family are a possibility, that really will modify your hobby time. If you can get a good start now and keep your interest up through the next set of changes in life, you will be in good shape. When you are at times that you can’t have or work on a layout, keep in touch with the hobby through reading, a little kit building or scratch building and these forums.
Right now, I am doing general ed in college, such as reading, english, and math.
I am also doing filming classes, as well as art. Next semester I will be taking classes for computer science and engineering. A 3-D animation project is in the works as well.
I think that is what I menat by the fact that I wouldn’t go back for a million bucks…I prefer to be {LOL} “CHronologically gifted” and also have the “Honorary Doctorate” in “Life Experience”… I could be wrong…
Remember the immortal words or George Bernard Shaw: “We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.”
And for what it’s worth. If I could keep my memories and experience, I’d go back to high school for a million bucks… but probably not otherwise. Life is a journey, and I’m pretty happy with where my steps have led so far. For one thing, going back to high school would mean giving up a wonderful wife and kids…
I’m with you on still being in High School, (I think) but my memory is getting a little faded about the mid fifties. As for the getting old part, it does stink and the aches and pains and failing eyesight and all those nasty things don’t help much. But on a brighter note, it beats NOT getting older by a whole bunch. [(-D]