Does anybody here know how to fix a JVC AX-900U video camera, or can refer me to somebody who can?
It broke while railfanning in Alorton IL
Does anybody here know how to fix a JVC AX-900U video camera, or can refer me to somebody who can?
It broke while railfanning in Alorton IL
Physically broke or electronically broke?
That goes a long way in explaining why I still use my 20+ year-old Canon AE-1, and before that an Argus C-3 that belonged to my mom before I was born. They may not be the latest technology but they will probably survive an atomic blast.
H’mm JVC could not assist you? [:p]
Chances are, you’d be better off buying a new camera rather than trying to fix your broken one… I speak from experience. I snagged my digital camera on something while out shooting some pictures, and it fell to the ground onto some gravel and broke the LCD screen [:(] I took it to a local camera repair place, and they said it would probably cost as much to get repaired as it would for a new one, or very close! So a couple months later, I bought a new one.
Sorry, that’s probably not good news for you, but be prepared for this reality… nonetheless, you can still check at a camera shop that does repairs, just to see what they can do for you…
That’s why I asked what’s broken. Some judicious gluing might fix a structural problem, but if the electronics are involved…[:(]
I was in an office supply store the other day where a tech speciallist was pushing their warranty offering, since “the manufacturer won’t warranty the screen” on the laptop the customer way buying.
Do you have a warrenty still on it? WHen my Laptop’s mother board seperated from the Charging Cord it was under warrenty and I got it fixed for nothing.
Do you have a warrenty still on it? WHen my Laptop’s mother board seperated from the Charging Cord it was under warrenty and I got it fixed for nothing.