Help: How do I unsubscribe from a thread?

I inadvertently clicked on the “Subscribe to Thread” tab in one of the threads and cannot find a way to unsubscribe. Anyone know of a way?


You can, Edit, your thread, remove, the question, or what you typed and type in deleted, but your name will still be there and deleted.

Cheers, [D]


When you get the e-mail, there is an option at the bottom of the message to opt out. It will only effect that one thread.

Dave, you beat me to it. As far as I know that’s the only way to stop incoming emails from a thread. I clicked my ‘Email Options’ button and I’m still getting an error message. Apparently that function is still lost and wandering somewhere in Wonderland. I don’t even have a ‘Request Emails to This Thread’ button in my reply area. Probably because I disabled it in the ‘Notifications’ area of my ‘Community Settings’.


I’m glad, Dave and Jeff, chimed in, for I misunderstood you![:O]

Cheers, [D]


Bingo. Thanks!

Running Bear (being careful to spell that correctly):

The subscribe button should be at the top, right under the thread title. I don’t know if your personal settings effect that.