Help installing Busch crossing flashers

Gize: anybody installed the Busch Us-style crossing flashers? Six fine wires have to run under the road bed, then to a large control unit, then to a power /sensor source. Does not look simple and kind of regret the purchas. Any ideas? I use 1/2 inch styrofoam as subroadbed, on plywood base. Thanks in advance. Andy Chandler

Just follow the instructions step by step. 6 wires may look daunting but they each go some place specific. If you need to extend the wires to reach, do one at a time so you don’t get them mixed up. Uses pieces of masking tape and number both ends of any extension wires you use so you keep it straight.If you go step by step and hook one wire up at a time exactly following the instructions, you won’t go wrong.


Typically, the wiring on HO scale signals is very thin to conceal it inside the masts and still have the signal look prototypical. Therefore, you need to use great care in trimming the plastic insulation off the wires or you will break the thin strand of wire. If the wire is not long enough to reach the control unit, you can solder a heavier gauge wire to the thin signal wire to extend it, if necessary.
