My grandmother recently purchased a Lionel Steamer, 4-4-2, #8627 from a garage sale. However, it is missing its tender. Can anyone tell me a little about the engine (what set it came from) and what tender belongs with it. It looks as though power isn’t picked up from the tender, so I know anything could go with it. Still, it would be nice to match it up.
And yes, I understand it probably isn’t very valuable. That isn’t what I am asking about. [:)]
You could try cruising hobby shops in your area to see if possibly they’ve got something laying around that will go with your locomotive.
Barring that, scoot down to the bottom of this website and under “Resources” click on “Coming Events.” It’ll provide you with a way to find any trainshows that may be coming up in your area. You should be able to find something at one of them. BTW, trainshows are a LOT of fun!
There’s also a “Find a Hobby Shop” option down there as well.
You should be able to pick up a nice Lionel or K-Line tender at any Hobby Shop that has used electric trains for sale. Since there would be no collector value for that engine, most good tenders would do the trick.
Looking at the picture that Rob supplied the tender looks like the “Santa Fe” style that Lionel used Post War. If you want a whistle, look for a 6026W. They can be found at train shows and Ebay. It won’t have C&O on it. Just a suggestion.