I’m about to start an ongoing project of fine-tuning all of my postwar engines and rolling stock. I have everything I need except I don’t know the distance between the top of the center rail and the bottom of the coupler knuckle, based on vintage Lionel O gauge tubular track. Does anyone know if Lionel ever specified this anywhere and, if so, what it should be?
“Keep 'em rolling”
I doubt if Lionel had a standard. I would measure some representative pieces from your collection and use that as a standard for the rest of your stock.
Assuming that all the railheads are at the same height, which they should be, it doesn’t matter what kind of track you are using. I have never seen a number for coupler height either.
Thanks for the response. It’s pretty much what I expected, but if there was a specific height I wanted to know before I started the project.