first of all hello to all . like i said im new to this and need help baddly. i wanna know how i start in this hobby . for now i own 2 engines and sum boxcars also sum used tracks i bought off of a friend . i also have sum used transformer i bought to .i just wanna know how i start to build my benchwork and to lay the track. i also bought sum roadbed in foam is that good or should i but the cork kind well i hope sum 1 help cause i wanna see my train running soon thanks DANIEL if ya have sum good ideas please feel free to send them to my email thanks again
Visit this site:
Great information for beginners, (which I still consider myself to be) [:D]
Hello, and WELCOME!
You are aksing some good questions. As to the roadbed question, many people prefer the foam, but you can use either, so you’re OK there.
Do you know what scale your stuff is? (HO, N, S, O) The most comon is HO, but N scale is not far behind. I model in N scale myself.
Also, are your loco’s steam or diesel? Not that it makes a difference, I’m really just curious.
How about the track. Is it Nickle Silver (silver rails) or Brass? If it’s brass, it can be a bit harder to work with, thats all. It gets dirty faster.
Hey, I’ve got a web site you should probably take a look at. It has a page just for beginners. IT’s the Natoinal Model Railroaders Assosiation (NMRA) web page. It’s at;
Just click the link for the beginners page.
And any other questions you have, and you’ll have lot’s, it’s OK, just bring them here and we’ll be happy to fix you up.
No problem!
You might want to concider the nickle silver track. It’s quite a bit easier to keep clean. It would also match any new track you buy because they don’t sell or make the brass stuff any more as far as I know. Just food for thought.
If you decide you’d like to get a bit more invololved in this hooby, I’d like to suggest you find a club in your area and join it. You’ll get lots of help, tips, and general support, besides learning a ton.
If you decide to set up a home layout you might give this a look;
It’s a bit of heavy reading, but give it a glance. I’m sure you’ll pick up a few things.
Oh, and here’s some free downloads for track planning software. I like the Atlas one, but most people seem to like the XTrkCad;
Here’s the Atlas one;
And here’s the XTrkCad;
The XTrkCad is a better program and does alot more, but it’s a bit tougher to learn. The Atlas one is limited, but pretty easy to work with.
And hey, don’t be a stranger, OK?
Hi. When you want to quote someone, but have your response outside the yellow window of the quoted material, place your cursor after the last “quote” in parentheses and begin your text at that point. The last
is where the server is being told to stop the quote, and it closes the yellow window at that point.
is where the server is being told to stop the quote, and it closes the yellow window at that point.
QUOTE: Originally posted by daniber2004
is where the server is being told to stop the quote, and it closes the yellow window at that point.
or here let me know cuz dis is messed up dan
QUOTE: Originally posted by daniber2004
is where the server is being told to stop the quote, and it closes the yellow window at that point.
or here let me know cuz dis is messed up dan
QUOTE: Originally posted by daniber2004
is where the server is being told to stop the quote, and it closes the yellow window at that point.
or here let me know cuz dis is messed up dan
[or in here let me know cuz this i messed up [:D]]
Yer gettin’ closer. [(-D] It is a bit more complicated, as you see, when you are quoting a post that is also quoting a post.
What I do is erase (delete) everything after the "quote]originally posted by name
, including the
. When the text begins that you want to quote, that is where you stop deleting. Then, you will leave the last quote], place your cursor immediately after it, do an “enter” to add a space, and your text goes at that point. You will see it works quite well.