I just bought a MTH SD-80MAC Norfolk Southern engine (20-2300-1) and I’m not quite sure how to use it. I have some decent Lionel transformers but the engine doesn’t run. All the bells and whistles work but the engine does not want to move? Do I need a certain transformer or something? Or is it just broken? I know I sound incompitant but maybe I am and thats why I’m seeking help from anyone here. Anything will help, so please fill me in. Thanks!!!
Try letting it just sit on the track with power on, about 12 volts or so, this should charge the battery.
Forgot to say about 20 to 30 minutes should be ample time.
Good grief, can’t even spell rite anymore. 2nd edit. [:I]
Thanx I’ll try that. I hope it works!
If that doesn’t work check your manual, if you have it, and follow the instructions to make sure it isn’t locked in neutral. If you don’t have the manual I think you might be able to download it from the MTH site by looking up your loco by the part #.
According to the MTH site a full charge could require six to seven hours of charging time. I would try this first just to see if it will hold a charge, if in fact that is the problem, before doing anything else. If it is a good battery it should hold a charge for quite a while even if it isn’t run on a regular basis. MAKE SURE THE SMOKE UNIT IS TURNED OFF if you set it up for a long slow charge.
The manual also gives you a rundown as to what is considered a “compatible transformer”.
hey steve,
I have the exact same engine from mth. What transformer are you using? The only one I have had any luck with is the zw by lionel other wise you probably would need a mth transformer. I am using the z750. It is enough power for a medium sized layout.
Steve, Have you checked your manual for transformer compatibility? It might require the addition of the horn/bell buttons if it is an older model. There are some other members on here that are MUCH MORE familiar with the match-up problems between various transformers and MTH locos.
I’ve got an older Premier engine that I have to crank the power to full, reduce the power all the way down then bring it back up and the engine runs. After that the engine responds to forward/neutral/reverse commands as long as there is power to the track… When power is turned off I have to start all over again.
Proto2 engines will not work properly in conventional with a bad or discharged battery. I would replace the battery with a new rechargable or a BCR.
Dale Hz
Rather than letting it sit on the track to charge the battery try the MTH battery charger sold separately by an MTH dealer. This is a common problem when an engine sits on the store shelf for a long time, like a year or more. After the battery is fully charged you need to run the engine at least once every three weeks for about ten minutes or more.
I asked about the battery on my new MTH locomotive when I bought it at Ready To Roll in North Miami.
Lee Fritz
This is why I don’t buy MTH locomotives.
steve021, are you using a Lionel CW80?
If so that is most likely the problem not the MTH engine.
I borrowed a Z-750 transformer from a friend and still having the issue. I took it to a recommended hobby shop and the guy couldnt get it to work. But hes going to try some other stuff then get back to me. Ill let you guys know what he finds out. Thanks everyone for your inputs.
I had similiar problems with a Pennsy Turbine and followed the advice of setting on the track for a while. It worked, the engine runs fine now.
You can TEST the engine with a NEW standard 9 volt battery. This will tell you if your problem is battery related. Do not leave the 9 volt battery in your engine as the recharging unit will cause damage, but for a test it will be fine.
Heres the verdict. I took the engine to this hobbyshop guy I know. He put it on a DCS, i believe its called, too see if he could reset the engines settings. This is garenteed to work, but did not. Therefore the conclusion was that I have a fried circuit board. So now either I spend more money to fix that or send it back, but I did get a good deal on the engine so I’m going to see how much the repairs will cost and if I can get a new engine for cheaper of the final costs then I’ll send it back.
Thanks everyone for the help. I just wish it was one of the problems everyone proposed.
Ditto for me Jim…I have unloaded all of my MTH stuff.
Funny, my wife reminded me recently, “you know, every time you buy Lionel stuff it doesnt work.”
MTH rules!
I believe a new Proto2 board will run about $200. Proto 2 boards are not made to be repaired and generally not repairable. Dont think it is worth spending on a $300 engine.
Dale Hz
Well the guy I bought it off of failed to mention he had the same problem when he tested it. He thought it may just be something hes doing wrong. The thing he did wrong was selling a faulty product. He did say before I found this issue that he had another of the same engine. So hopefully instead of the repair I can just exchange the engine.
Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me.