im just finished laying my track then i pluged in my digitrax zepher and it started blinking (that means its shorting or sompting like that) i traced it to my wye turnout. Apperintly you have to wire it thae same as you would a return loop.
Just a wye turnout doesn;t make anything complex, a single wye turnout is jus a turnotu where both legs diverge, ie there is no straight route like a ‘normal’ turnout. It’s what comes after this where you have apparantly created a reverse loop situation.
Did you make a wye track arrangement by using three turnouts? Or did you loop the track back from one leg of the wye turnout to the other? The beauty of DCC is that the polarity reversal required can be done automatically. But as Chip says, the good old toggle switch method still works just fine, except that you can use the toggle to control the track int he reversing section rather than the main. Then when you get an automatic reversing unit you can simply drop it in place of the toggle switch.