A couple of weeks ago I created a web page to use as a resource for our “classic” Lionel, Flyer, Marx, and Plasticville model billboards. From the site, you can download full size images of these billboards. (see “The Lowly Billboard”).
I was hoping for lots of submissions from Forum viewers of additional billboards to share with the community. However, I have been disappointed with the lack of assistance. I have only received 2 submissions (thank you Greg and Richard). I have had over 600 “hits” to the site, and most likely many downloads (I don’t keep track of this).
Please take a few minutes and scan your classic billboards and email me the file. (Don’t worry about condition, as I will “clean them up” and resize them before adding to the site). If you want to be acknowledged as the submitter, tell me so, otherwise I will only use your first name.
Please help me make this webpage a great resource for all of us.
email: rrbillboards@att.net
Thanks in advance