Help w/my Lionel BB1

Two weeks ago I bought the Lionel BB1, my first command control engine and the comand control remote and base. The engine from out of the box didn’t run well on my track. Here’s what I mean. It comes without the traction tires installed. Around my curves (fastrack 036 and 42) wheels would spin and it would slow down. Sometimes depending on where it was on the track it wouldnt start moving without a little push. From the stationary position the wheels would spin and spin and it would then if it didn’t move after a few seconds the wheels stop spinning alltogether and I have to turn off the power and then turn it back on to reset the engine.

Anyway, had a Lionel certified shop put the traction tires on. Now it handles the curves great, smooth and steady. The problem however is it can’t begin pulling from anywhere on the track, reverse or forward, without a helping push from me. If I don’t give it that push it just jerks a bit, forward or revese, but the wheels don’t spin at all.

I am really frustrated. This hobby is supposed to be relaxing. Meanwhile I bought 6 Lionel remote swithches, 3 were defective and had to be replaced. My first non TMCC engine came with a front light and smoke unit that didn’t work and my first K-line smoking caboose burned up because no one told me not to use it w/ the smoke unit on running TMCC (too much power).

Like I said this is supposed to be fun.

Please help w/ the BB1



I have had some experiences like this with “the new stuff”. Chalk it up to lack of quality control and in the case of your BB1 probably some bad product design.
I make very few modern engine purchases these days and when I do it’s for a 100 dollar item like a docksider.
That’s why I run about 90% postwar. If it breaks I can fix it and that doesn’t happen that often.
Anyway, good luck on the BB1I’m sure someone will post some tips for you.

Mike Sacco

Check to see if the Odyssey system is enganged? If so, try switching it off. You may also want to check the stall settings on the loco.

Sounds like the traction tires prevent pickup of power on their side. Are they on both sides of the axle? If so, you may not want to do this and possibly void your warranty, but adding track wipers discretely installed on the side of the traction tires to make contact will cure it.
They can be fashioned by someone with skills in wiring and jewelry, so the slider-wipers are not obvious. They must be paint free where they contact the track, but the rest of them can be painted [flat] black. You could also use black nail polish?

I turned the Odyssey system off and back on. No difference.

I forgot to add that when I first try to power up my BB1 and get it rolling it seems to suck/drain all the power out of my accessories which are powered from the same CW80 transformer and are (the accessories that is ) hooked into the accessory terminal on the CW80.


I wonder if you can try to run it with all the accessories unpluged, just use the transformer for the eng. Also, would you have access to another transformer ?


Tried unhooking the accessories and no difference.
Here is another note. I ran the powered engine alone and it works fine. Add a consist to it and it still works forward and reverse but w/ just a bit of resistance. Unhook the consist and hook the dummy engine and it powers up but won’t pull front but somtimes will push reverse.
Any thoughts?


Sorry Marc, I think You may end up taking it back or to a good repair facility, or call Lionel. I really hate to see you have trouble with your first TMCC eng. Most of us have been through it though. I can only hope some of the more knowledgeable guys will come back & have a solution for you.


I know this might not seem to make sense since you said the engine runs fine alone, but I would try another transformer. It seems like a lot of people have had problems with the CW-80, and with electronics symptoms aren’t always logical. Besides, the transformer is easy to replace.
I have quite a few TMCC engines and haven’t had big problems with any of them, so don’t get discouraged too fast.
Good Luck,

Just making sure but… are you sure nothing is binding in the dummy engine?
Do the dummy wheels turn easily? Also, are you turning the dial on the CAB1 alot?

Also, lubing the TMCC engine might help.

If there is any way you can run it on a different track/transformer (perhaps a friend or store) that should help you know where the problem is (Engine, track,or transformer).

Wish I could help more. Good luck.

Jim H