I have a Bachmann HO GP 50 Diesel loco DCC. And I have a NCE Power Cab. I took out the old decoder and installed a NCE BACHDSL decder. I soldered all wires and cut capacitors. But when I put the loco on the track It takes off in forward. Then I put it in Reverse It shorts the system out. The foward light comes on, But no dim. I just got this decoder. Is this a sign of a dead decoder. Thanks If anybody can help.
Did you isolate the decoder from the frame? It sure sounds like a short between the frame and the decoder.
David B
Isn’t it already isolated from the other decoder. If not how do I Isolate it. Thanks
Check for a small strand of wire or shrink wrap that did not cover completely or the decoder touching something metal inside the shell.
Again we have a newer modeler jumping into DCC and forgetting the #1 rule of decoder installing. After an install place the loco on the program track not the main. I do it even with plug and play decoders. If there is a problem then the likely hood of a melt down is limited. It still happens and I have had decoders smoke up on the program track and they were plug in decoders.