Help with attaching accessories to fastrack

I am new to model railroading and I have a question I am hoping someone can help me with. I have some accessories that say they should be between 11-15 V and others 15-18V. I am trying to attach them to the underside of lionel fastrack instead of using a seperate accessory power source, however, won’t this change the volts as I move the trains? Does anyone know if the fastrack connectors on the track are the same as the connectors for regular track…if so why can you attach accessories to those…or is it the same problem? I appreciate any help or input to help me, thanks a lot.

I think you’ve realized the problem with attaching them to the track - the voltage varies all over the place.
You need to run separate wires from the transformer’s accessory (fixed voltage) posts to your accessories.
My CW80 transformer has instructions for setting the fixed voltage to whatever voltage is needed. I don’t know what to do about the 2 different voltage ranges.
Post your question in the Classic Toy Trains forum, and guys who know this stuff will see it.