Your reverse unit should look like this:
Yep that’s the one. I ordered a new one and a new switch. Didn’t make sense why the one motor didn’t
work but when I pulled it out and tested it, was okay.
If one motor runs, they both should, unless the wiring is bad between the 2 motors. Disconnect the wiring to the good motor, and hook the wires to the non-operating motor to it. This will isolate the wiring. To check the reverse switch, unsolder the wiring to the switch and just twist the wire ends together, The board and motor should sequence when power is applied and interrupted. If it does, the switch is bad; if it does not sequence, the board is bad.
Awesome info, thanks alot. Rob, thanks for all your help so far, greatly appreciate it.
As far as the switch test, it just keeps running in one direction…forward. So your saying that would be the board?
If sequencing the power with the wires together causes the motor to run in one direction only, chances are the board is bad. There may be an outside chance that the wires to the switch may be bad. Check the solder connections for the wires on the board itself, then get a short wire and jump the solder terminals on the board to see if the board sequences. If it still does not, then the board is bad.
I apologize but jumping the wires on the board? Does that mean to take the piece of wire and touch them to the solder connection on the back of board or “squeeze” them in where they are inserted on the front? The more I learn the better. [:D]
No apologies here…ask as much as you need.
As you said…
“Take the piece of wire and touch them to the solder connection(s) on the back of (the) board.”
Thanks again Larry. It must be the board. Parts are on the way, hopefully tomorrow!
SUCCESS!!! Rob and Larry, thank you so much!