Help with Reversing set up

Very confused trying to figure out where to put Reversers and gaps. I have provided a link to a schematic of the layout. I am N scale, using Kato unitrack, including 2 crossovers and all #6 turnouts. Part of the problem is providing power to all 4 legs of the crossover and handling reversing. NCE Powercab system, layout is about 8’ x 8’. Schematic also shows where I have power feeds and polarity. Just getting back into this after a long hiatus, and help would be appreciated!

First of all, welcome aboard! You may notice that you are “moderated” for the first few posts, just so you know.

You 8x8 layout will create reach problems. Generally, we suggest no more than 30 inches of reach distance.

I would not bother with the double crossover on the right side. It serves little purpose and only supports one short spur.

The crossover at the top can be taken care of by gapping or insulating both tracks to the left of it. Everything beyond that point to the left must be on a separate bus connected to the output of an auto–reverser. You need to gap both rails on both tracks.

I would recommend an auto–reverser from DCC Specialties. They’re a bit more expensive, but they are very reliable and all solid state, making them very fast-responding.

Use the BB code to put your picture here. I trimmed off some of the link that identifies you. You want everything from the open bracket before img the the closed bracket after /img

I’m still challenged by picking out reversing loops, but I think the big loop to the right of the top crossover is a second, the the loops below #13 are the third r.l.

Yes, I missed the loop by 12 and 13.

I think judicious placement of the insulators could prevent the whole right side from being a loop. Otherwise, there will be connected loops and nested loops which are not going to work well.

Is this a layout that has already been build? Some of these angles don’t look possible to me, such as going from #9 to 5 or #4 to 3 to 12. But then I do HO scale.

only a quick schematic, not a scale plan. I don’t show the stub end sidings.

Thanks for your response. To clarify - The layout is a U shape with a center aisle, so reach is not an issue. It is composed of 6 dominoes, and while I’m building it in my basement, it is designed to fit a spare room on our second floor. Given the size and room configuration, it will pretty much be a one-man show, with on one loco being operated at a time.

I started this over ten years ago. After some research, I decided on Kato unitrack, and by happenstance, I immediately came upon a good amount of used unitrack at a very good price, which included 2 crossovers.

Due to circumstances, I had to stop working on the project in 2012, and just recently have been able to pick it up again. At this point, the dominoes are complete, foamboard is done, and the track is laid, but not attached. I am connecting track to bus and testing as I go. The combination of Kato and reversing has me scratching my head.

Kato crossovers require a power feed at all 4 legs, as the crossover is gapped in the center.

There would be a station at 10 on the diagram, with service off 12 (which is also a switching runaround, and stub end sidings off 13. 7 is staging, hidden behind a hillrunning from 6 to 14.

I will look into DCC specialties. I have a Digitrax reverser now, but know I need to get additional reversers.

So I guess my other question would be where is there a good, clear, effective description of reversing sections?


I’m sorry my brain is stuck in crossovers

Does this accomplish it?

Layout Rev Loops by Paul Ahrens, on Flickr

EDIT: An approach that would reduce the gaps by one track would be to move the two sets of gaps below #2 & #15, to just above the junction of the turnout joining sections #1 & #10. That would float the right hand trackage within Reverse Loop #2. The mainline (non-reversing) would be reduced to the small sections #4 & #9. I would prefer the approach shown in the diagram, which is visually simpler as the two reverse loops are more apparent; i.e., where the reversing occurs.

Since the Kato crossover is gapped, there would be no power to the left side of the crossover. Would have to add power feeds to both tracks between gap and crossover.

Thanks for the info. I’ll need to digest this! Or wait for battery-powered engines!