Thanks gandydancer19, Yes I bought the book on sunday at amazon for only .04 and 3.99 shipping you can’t beat that.
Steinjr I will draw up a plan of my room. Thanks for the replys
Thanks gandydancer19, Yes I bought the book on sunday at amazon for only .04 and 3.99 shipping you can’t beat that.
Steinjr I will draw up a plan of my room. Thanks for the replys
Alright Steinjr this is just a rough sketch of the room. I have a small space to work with and that is why I want to try to put modules on the ends. I figure 18" or around 20" radius should work for the modules. I know I need to run smaller equipment. The modules will come down after each session. I won’t put scenery on the mods. If I can’t get the mods to work then I will go point to point. I hope this helps. Thanks again
A bedroom that is 12 1/2 by 14 1/2 feet is not a very small space by model railroad standards. You have a lot of options in a room that big. Some of which I have tried to illustrate to you.
If anyone else feels like drawing up a ready to build plan for Larry, go ahead. I think I will bow out of this particular design now and go do something else.
Good luck with your layout! I hope it turns out great!
I am probably the biggest newb when it comes to trains and layouts but I think I would do away with the modules that will block the doors. I have seen layout plans on the net when I was researching for my own layout that would give you ideas. I searched for hours and found plenty to get me going.