hi guys,
Do any of ya’ll have a loving caring wife that knows your heart is in the hobby but just doesn’t understand?
So, my wife went to a garage sale on her lunch hour and found a guy that had a collection of HO gauge trains for sale there. She calls me up and asks me what I wanted from him to add to my collection. We start going thru the list.
Wife: “A box car made by Athearn?”
Me: “ok get it”.
wife: “A tank car made by atlas”
Me: ok get that too."
So on and on thru the list we go until she gets to a six axle locomotive with Santa Fe markings.
Me: “what kind is it?”
wife: “it’s a Santa Fe diesel with six wheels”
Me: no, what kind of locomotive is it? Is it an SD-4O, 45? an AC-4400, what kind of locomotive is it?
Wife: “I don’t know, i just know it’s cute.”
Me: “ok” “So who makes it”
Wife: I donno"
Me: “turn it over and look for a company name on the underside of the frame”
wife: "it’s a Tyco’
wife: “ok”
So we finally get thru the list and I picked out what to buy and what not to buy over the phone, we say our " I love yous" and she hangs up.
What happens next you ask?
She calls me back.
wife: “I bought that locomotive anyway! and i paid $20.00 for it!”
Me: “why did you buy it?”
Wife: Because it’s so cute"
sheez!..If she only knew not to buy a Tyco locomotive. Especially at a garage sale.
Yep…her heart is as good as gold, but her head is as thick as Acme brick. I guess the locomotive will look good sitting on the siding from now on. It can’t be of much use to me for anything else…chuck