Her Heart golden but Her Head is as Thick as Acme Brick

hi guys,

Do any of ya’ll have a loving caring wife that knows your heart is in the hobby but just doesn’t understand?

So, my wife went to a garage sale on her lunch hour and found a guy that had a collection of HO gauge trains for sale there. She calls me up and asks me what I wanted from him to add to my collection. We start going thru the list.

Wife: “A box car made by Athearn?”

Me: “ok get it”.

wife: “A tank car made by atlas”

Me: ok get that too."

So on and on thru the list we go until she gets to a six axle locomotive with Santa Fe markings.

Me: “what kind is it?”

wife: “it’s a Santa Fe diesel with six wheels”

Me: no, what kind of locomotive is it? Is it an SD-4O, 45? an AC-4400, what kind of locomotive is it?

Wife: “I don’t know, i just know it’s cute.”

Me: “ok” “So who makes it”

Wife: I donno"

Me: “turn it over and look for a company name on the underside of the frame”

wife: "it’s a Tyco’


wife: “ok”

So we finally get thru the list and I picked out what to buy and what not to buy over the phone, we say our " I love yous" and she hangs up.

What happens next you ask?

She calls me back.

wife: “I bought that locomotive anyway! and i paid $20.00 for it!”

Me: “why did you buy it?”

Wife: Because it’s so cute"

sheez!..If she only knew not to buy a Tyco locomotive. Especially at a garage sale.

Yep…her heart is as good as gold, but her head is as thick as Acme brick. I guess the locomotive will look good sitting on the siding from now on. It can’t be of much use to me for anything else…chuck

Perhaps you could mount it on the dashboard of her car (see this month’s cartoon in MR).



I trust she’s not going to be reading this post anytime soon - lest she sling one of those Acme bricks right at your head…ouch![B)]

You’d best hope she doesn’t happen to read this thread, or you might find that brick going upside your head! [:D]

You could turn that Tyco into a winter project - replace the drive train, replace the sideframes, re-detail the shell, new paint, and you could have a winner! [:D]

Hey, Jim - “Great minds think alike!” [:D]

How about using that “cute” loco as part of a derailment scene…you know, off your highest bridge which spans the deepest of canyons? [;)] Hey, I suspect just about everyone here has had a loved one buy them something train related that we never would have paid a plug nickle for ourselves. Just be thankful her heart is in the right place. And one more thing…Thanks for the chuckles! [C):-)] Rob

Thats what I was thinking!

Anyways, congrats on the new yard queen!

Oh a Dust Bunny Loco !

I truly wish my wife were still alive to give me such headaches !!

Enjoy the love !!!

Gary - Actually I speak from experience, but I’ve always been fast enough to duck!

My sweet wife does not understand my hobby either, but wants to support it. I have a list of wants which I update periodically and she keeps it with her. She also has the names and phone number of several trian shops that I use. Last month we stopped by the hobby shop and picked up a new Walther’s Catalog. end result is I get some nice quality stuff for birthaday and Christmas.

She was asking why I didn’t get some of those cute Bachman buildings for my layout. I told her that I model Kansas City in the late 80s and these buildings are not apprpriate for my eara or locale…YES but they are so cute and would look pretty on your train table.

I love her very much…but sill have some education to do.


My wife is listening to me read this post and says how true it is. In my house to get her to even look at my trains I had to paint one pink. She dosen’t care its a tyco life like or mantura as long as its pink. I think ill try to run it now. Joe A.

Wife: Because it’s so cute".

Been there and hear that…[(-D]

Oh how lucky you are to have a wife like that… and I think you know it. [;)]

Many wives wouldn’t even call their husbands about finding these ‘treasures’. My wife is a structure kinda person. Take her in the LHS and we walk out with a least one or two of them that she likes, and they’re usually the better line of stuff.

Now the more expensive locos are another matter entirely.



Lets see, you have a wife that loves you and supports your hobby, what is your complaint?

Ernie C

Your wife thinks enough of you to look out for trains for YOUR layout while she’s out yard sailing and your complaining about a $20 Tyco that makes her happy…[%-)]Wish I had your problems.

She found something in your hobby SHE likes.

‘Cuda’ Ken will buy it.

he he he… cute and 20 dollars gone.

Oh boy! What a wife!

Enjoy the love. Precious little stardust these days and wives that think of you and trains even rarer.

That is such a cute story!!! [:D]

At least she called and consulted with you and did’nt buy any other Tyco stuff that might have been out in that garage sale too!

Yep, I agree, you might be getting that loco across your head if she stumbles across this thread…[B)]

D’oh!! Please don’t tell me he is also selling kittens and puppies, hon…you know, cute ones!?"

One evening Adam was walking in the Garden, talking things over with the Lord. This was about a month after Eve had been created, but before they ate the proverbial forbidden fruit.

Adam: I just want to say thank you Lord for Eve. She’s incredibly beautiful to look at, more beautiful than anything else around.

Lord: Adam, I made her that way so that you would love her.

Adam: …And this sex thing; it’s just the greatest. You really outdid yourself with this one, Lord.

Lord: Adam, I made her that way so that you would love her.

Adam: Lord, there’s just one little thing. Permit me to be bold and mention something that you might have done a little better. In case you haven’t noticed, Eve isn’t quite the brightest bulb on the planet, or the sharpest knife in the tool box…(pause)…she’s really a little on the dense side…in fact, she’s more like a box of rocks. Really Lord, you could have done a lot better.

Lord: Adam, I made her that way so that she could love you.